

中学校の同期会 (The Reunion of Junior High Classes)


 金沢へ着いてから同期会の始まるまでの時間に、小学校6年の時の恩師、A 先生の家を訪ねた。上掲の写真は、先生の家からの帰途に撮影した紫錦台中学校である。正面に見えるのは、現在、「金沢くらしの博物館」として利用されている旧校舎。夕方の陽光を受けて白く輝いている屋根の上の尖塔は、全部で三つあるはずで、旧制金沢第二中学校時代から、その校舎は「三尖塔学舎」として知られて来た。

From 6:00 pm, September 27, the reunion of Shikindai Junior High School's third year classes was held at the Kanazawa Miyako Hotel, and I took part of it. The invitation was sent to 280 persons, and the number of attendee were 45. Participants have become fewer and fewer these years due to aging, so that this event was made the last official one. In the year when we celebrate the age of 80, however, an invitation of a meeting in the form of social gathering will probably be sent.

On arriving at Kanazawa, I visited Mr. A, my teacher at the elementary school. The above photo was taken on my way back to the Kanazawa Miyako Hotel, showing Shikindai Junior High School. The old, school building at the front is now used as "Kanazawa Museum of Life." The steeple shining on the roof under the evening sun is one of three similar towers, which made the school known as the "school of three steeples" since the days of the former Kanazawa Second Middle School.

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