

新象展 (Shinsho Exhibition)

 昨24日は、大阪市立美術館で開催していた第54回新象展の最終日だった。新象作家協会会員である友人 S・Y さんの作品などを見るために出かけた。この展覧会の作品はみな抽象作品である。S・Y さんの絵はいつも同心円状のものが幾つも渦巻く独特のスタイルで、すぐにそれと分かる。以前の彼女の絵は穏やかな色調で、彼女の先生である長老の会員から「幸せ過ぎる絵」というような評を受けていたのを聞いたことがあるが、最近は赤や黒を混ぜて、力強い作品になっている。

 今回の S・Y さんの作は "DAIREN–震–3.11" と題してあった。大連生まれの彼女は、望郷の思いで常に "DAIREN" を題名の初めにつけている。しかし、今回の主題は東北大震災で、黒や赤の滴り落ちるような筋が加わり、被災者たちの悲しみと、原発事故に対する怒りが表されているようだった。200点ほどもあった作品の中で、東北大震災をタイムリーかつ直接的に取り上げた作品はこの一作だけだった。サイズは他の多くの作品より小さめながら、訴える力はとりわけ大きいと思った。


Yesterday, it was the last day of Shinsho Exhibition held at Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts. I went there to see works of a friend of mine, S. Y., and others (S. Y. is a member of Shinsho Fine Art Association). All the works presented in this exhibition are of the abstract type. S. Y.'s artwork always consists of some concentric circles swirling, so that we can easily identify it as hers. Her earlier works used colors of calm tones, and I once heard her teacher, who was one of the oldest member of the association, critically said about her work, "Too happy." However, she recently began to use black and red colors to make the work strong.

S. Y.'s work of this time was entitled "Dalian–Quake–3.11." Being born in Dalian, she uses the word "Dalian" in the title of her every work from the feelings of nostalgia. The main theme of the present painting was the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, and there were black and red dripping lines probably to represent the deep sorrow of victims and anger against the accidents of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Among about 200 works displayed, there were no other one that addressed opportunely and directly the Tohoku earthquake. Thus, I thought that her work, though its size was smaller than most of other painters' works, had particularly strong appealing power.

The museum is also presenting Ryusei Kishida Exhibition, but I did not see it, because I saw it before. Instead, I enjoyed walking in Keitakuen Garden at the back of the museum (photos of the garden will be posted tomorrow).

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