かつてブログに掲載した写真(2004年11月16日付け "Autumn Leaves" の記事中のもの。京都・高雄で撮影)を参考に、今秋の美交会展に出す水彩画の2枚目を仕上げた(完成は昨24日)。透明水彩絵具と、ホルベイン「ウォーターフォード・ホワイト」水彩紙 F6 (410×318 mm) を使用した。デッサン段階の絵の写真も合わせて掲載する。紅葉がまだ最盛期でなく、淡い色合いであるのを面白く思って、題材に選んだ。すでに散り落ちた地上の葉は、濃い赤色をしているものが多い。
By reference to a photo posted before on this blog site (in "Autumn Leaves", dated November 16, 2004; taken at Takao, Kyoto), I completed a watercolor yesterday. It is one of the two works of mine to be presented at Bikokai Exhibition this autumn. Transparent watercolors and a F6-size (410 × 318 mm) sheet of Holbein's "Water Ford White" watercolor paper were used. The image of the drawing at the time of rough sketch is also shown. I was interested in the pale colors of Japanese maple leaves before becoming fully red. On the ground, however, we see most of fallen leaves already have dark red color.
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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