

不整合の整合 (Consistency of Being Inconsistent)





The Asahi Shimbun dated 14 February, 2012, carried a page advertising the digital edition of the newspaper. There, it is described that feature articles to help shukatsu (job hunting) have been much developed and that you can learn by a video how to make yourself up for shukatsu (upper part of the above image). On the other hand, the Vox Populi, Vox Dei column of the newspaper of the same day (lower part of the above image) quotes the following passage from Soseki's novel Kusamakura: "Civilization uses all the means to develop individuality and next uses every method to eliminate individuality." Then the writer laments the loss of individuality in job hunting by saying, "Those who are resistant to the pressure on individuality is reliable."

These two articles are inconsistent as the contents of a single newspaper. However, we can regard this as the free appearance of both the intention to help job hunting and the lamenting of the trend of job hunting. Here is the respect of individuality in the company of The Asahi Shimbun and is consistent to the insistence of the writer of Vox Populi, Vox Dei. This is a fascinating example of the case that inconsistency at first glance is, in fact, consistency.

By the way, I did not need shukatsu. This is because I got a job, by recommendation, at the research institute that was just established by the commitment of my teacher at the graduate course, who served concurrently as the director of the institute. (It was not even the period when job hunting as hard as now was necessary.) Would I have showed off individuality, if I had needed shukatsu?

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