

影と陰の一体曲線 (The Single Curve Made of the Shadow and the Shade)



On the occasion of walking exercise on January 31, I was fascinated by the red roof shining well under the blue sky and took the upper photo. Trying to crop it for posting here, I found, on its left, a thick, black curve, of which I had been unaware when shooting. The origin of the curve was a little mysterious, so that I am posting the photo without trimming. The fence between the sidewalk and the roadway does not have such a thick horizontal bar that would make such a shadow. From the mismatch of the shadow of the fence at the left and the right of the curve, it seems that the curve was made by the difference of the heights between the sidewalk and the roadway. Portion of the black curve nearer to my camera must be made only of the shadow of the side face, because the side face itself is unseeable from that position. On the other hand, portion of the black curve further than that, where the road turns gradually to the right, should consist of both the side face, in its own shade, and its shadow. Namely, the black curve is considered to be the shadow that captures more of the shade as it goes further.

The lower photo, taken on January 30 in Tsukuno-minami housing complex, also shows intriguing shadows. Though it was still early in the afternoon, the sun of winter was projecting long shadows of trees on the road to make a pretty pattern.

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