11 月 20 日 14:43 に JR 呉線竹原駅へ到着。かんぽの宿からの迎えの車は、16:00 に道の駅・竹原の前で待つ約束だったので、それまでの時間を竹原市重要伝統的建造物群保存地区を見物して過ごす。白壁の土蔵、虫籠窓(むしこまど、漆喰の塗屋造りと呼ばれる町家建築の二階部分に、縦に格子状に開口部を設けた固定窓)、いろいろな意匠をこらした竹原格子などを持つ家々が、いまも暮らしの場となっている(上掲の写真)。
We arrived at Takehara Station of JR Kure Line at 14:43, November 20. We had an appointment to meet a car from Kampo Hotel, in front of Takehara Roadside Station at 16:00. So, we spent time by visiting Takehara Important Preservation District of Historic Buildings. Even today, people live in this town filled with storehouses of white walls, fine-lattice windows and Takehara grids of different designs (see photos above).
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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