

元旦の空 (The Sky in the Morning of New Year's Day)

 元旦は晴天で、放射状の珍しい雲が見られた。1 枚目の写真は、午前 8 時過ぎにわが家から見た南の空。2 枚目の写真は、同じく北の空。日中、曇った時間帯もあったが、おおむね晴れの一日だった。

 午後、妻と長女のお供をして、蜂田神社(3 枚目の写真)と日部神社(4 枚目の写真)を訪れた。歩数 8600 余り。鳥居が写っていない写真では、神社は寺と区別がつきにくいと、あとで気づく。本殿の前面に(蜂田神社の写真では柱状の門にも)しめなわが飾りつけてあることで、かろうじて神社と分かる。

The sky was clear in the morning of New Year's Day. Clouds of a rare pattern like radial rays were seen. The top photo shows the southern sky seen from my house a little after 8:00 am; the second one, the northern sky. During the daytime, it was cloudy sometimes but sunny in general.

In the afternoon, I accompanied my wife and daughter to visit Hachita Shrine (the third photo) and Kusabe Shrine (the bottom photo). When we came back home, my pedometer showed a number more than 8600. I have noticed that we can hardly distinguish shrines from temples in these photos that do not include a torii (Shinto shrine archway). Only a Shinto straw festoon decorated in front of the main building (also between gate poles, in the photo of Hachita Shrine) shows that those are shrines.

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