

「さくらさくら」(Cherry Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms)

 サクラの咲く季節になると、この辺りにもサクラの木がずいぶん多いことに気づく。ウォーキング道筋の幼稚園、小学校、中学校、団地、工場、公園、これらのどこにも、いまソメイヨシノが咲き誇っている(写真は昨日撮影。上記の場所を表す普通名詞のうちには、ウォーキング道筋に複数存在するものがいくつもあるが、各 1 ヵ所の写真を選び、普通名詞の記載順に並べた)。「さくらさくら」の歌がおのずと思い出される。

 「さくら さくら、やよいの空は、見わたす限り、かすみか雲か、匂いぞ出ずる、いざや いざや、見にゆかん」。これはオリジナル版で、1941 年改版は「さくら さくら、野山も里も、見わたす限り、かすみか雲か、朝日ににおう、さくら さくら、花ざかり」(『ウィキペディア: フリー百科事典』の「さくらさくら」による)。

When the cherry blossom season comes, we see that there are a lot of cherry trees also in this area. Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom now everywhere along the course of my walking exercise, for example, in kindergartens, elementary schools, a junior high school, a housing complex, parks and plants (photos above were taken yesterday; for those places existing in plural numbers, a single representative photo has been chosen, and the photos are arranged in the order of the common names of the place given above). The song "Sakura Sakura" comes naturally in my mind.

"Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Across the spring sky, As far as you can see. Is it a mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the air. Come now, come now, Let's look, at last!" This is the original version. The version revised in 1941 is as follows: "Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, In fields and villages As far as you can see. Is it a mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the morning sun. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Flowers in full bloom." (The translations of lylics have been quoted from "Sakura Sakura" in Wikipedia: The free Encyclopedia.)

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