

鹿教湯温泉 5 (Kakeyu Hot Spring -5-)


Going the way through Tsukimi-do and Inari Shrine and up to the observatory was an easy task for my wife, whose hobby is mountaineering. However, it was a pretty hard work for me. I arrived at the observatory with the help of my wife's warning words so as not to slip by stepping on pebbles, fallen twigs, pine cones and wet soil. Details of our climbing to the observatory are described below by the use of photos.

Tsukimi-do (Hall for moon viewing); the person inside is my wife. The explanatory board says, "Since early days this site has been noted as an excellent location for enjoying the moonlight. The harvest moon viewed from here is particularly impressive, and the moonlight brightens the mountain range consisting of Mts. Kakeyu-fuji, Tokko, Akiba, Shibutami, etc.

Landscape as seen from Tsukimi-do. The mountain at the center is Kakeyu-fuji.

Inari Shrine, which is quite a small sheine to be better called hokora.

Observatory. The explanatory board says, "The whole landscape of Kakeyu Spa Town lies below, and you can see countrysides with distinct beauty of each season, along the Uchimura and Nagasawa rivers. It would be a fun to try shouting here in a loud voice." I read this description on this photo after returning home, and it is unfortunate that we did not try shouting. An autograph book was hanging there, and I wrote our names and address, the date and the sum of our ages in it.

Kakeyu Spa Town as seen from the observatory. The high building at the center is
Saito Hotel, where we stayed.

Another view from the observatory; western edge of the spa town, located at the right of the previous photo, can be seen at the bottom left.

 温泉街へ下りて、「信州手打ちそば 辰巳屋」で、くるみそばの昼食をとる。つゆにくるみ味噌を入れて食するもので、美味だった。食後、内村ダムまで歩いてみようと思った。しかし、ホテルで貰った「鹿教湯温泉案内図」がその辺りについては不親切であり、たどった道が正しいかどうか分らなくて、途中で断念した。温泉街へ戻り、喫茶店「清涼堂」でひと休みした。ホテルへ帰ってから温泉へ入り夕食をとるまでの時間を読書(私は持参の本、妻はホテルの図書室で借りた文庫本)で過ごした。——帰宅する日( 3 月 10 日)には少し寒くなったものの、温かい日々に恵まれたよい旅だった。(完)

Coming down to the spa town, we took a lunch of "kurumi soba (buckwheat noodles with walnut miso)" at "Tatsumiya for Shinshu handmade soba." People eat it by putting walnut miso in a soap as they like it. We found it quite tasty. After lunch, we wanted to take a walk to Uchimura Dam. However, "Information Map of Kakeyu Spa" we got at the hotel was not clear enough about the way to go there, and it was uncertain if we were taking the right path. So, we gave up to get there on our way. Back to the spa town, we had a rest at a cafe "Seiryo-do." Then, we had spent time by reading (I read the book brought with me, and my wife, a paperback borrowed in the library of the hotel) until we took spa bathing and dinner. — Though it was a little cold on the day of going back home (March 10), we had a lovely trip blessed with warm days. (End)

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