

行事続き (Events Make Me Busy)


Lately, I am busy going to a variety of events and cannot afford any time to write one by one in detail. So, I describe here about some of those events rather briefly.

 4 月 5 日、大阪・ヒルトンウェスト内の桃谷楼で関西嶺前会(大連嶺前小学校同窓会関西懇親会)。参加者 45 名、うち 1948(昭和 23)年卒予定の同期生は私を入れて 6 名。

On April 5, the Kansai Region reunion of Dalian Reizen Primary School was held at Tōkokurō in Hilton West, Osaka. There were 45 participants, in which six, including me, were of the 1948 class.

 4 月 13 日、堺市民会館で「I LOVE 9条 さよなら原発:落合恵子さんが語る いのち・平和・核」。参加者 930 名。いのちと平和を守る運動は、「持続的なエネルギー」を持って進めなければ、と落合さん。

On April 13, the meeting I Love Article 9; Goodbye, Nuclear Power Plants: Keiko Ochiai Talks about Life, Peace and Nuclear Power was held at Sakai Civic Center. There were 930 participants. Ochiai said that we should do the movement to keep the peace and life with "sustainable energy."

 4 月 17 日、妻と京都市美術館で「ゴッホ:空白のパリを追う」と「リヒテンシュタイン:華麗なる侯爵家の秘宝」の二つの展覧会を見る。前者ではゴッホの彼らしい絵に到達するまでのいろいろな試みの作品や、パースペクティブ・フレームという道具を使って風景をデッサンした時代のあったことの紹介が興味深かった。後者では「キリスト哀悼」、「クララ・セレーナ・ルーベンスの肖像」などのルーベンスの作品が、とくに素晴らしかった。

On April 17, my wife and I went to Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art to see two exhibitions: Van Gogh in Paris: New Perspectives and Master Works from the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein. In the former, a variety of attempts to reach the later style of Van Gogh and a model of perspective frame used by him for drawing landscapes in a certain period were interesting. In the latter, works of Rubens, for example, The Lamentation and Portrait of Clara Serena, were especially wonderful.

 4 月 18 日、堺市立西文化会館で「春の歌声喫茶」。3 曲のリクェストを書いて出したが、採用されたのは「椰子の実」だけ。それでも、私の愛唱歌も多く歌われたので、大いに楽しんだ。二つの沖縄の歌の前にリーダーが「平和を願って」といったのは、「原爆許すまじ」のリクェストに書いたコメントだけが採用になったのだろうか。

On April 18, Spring Utagoe Coffeehouse in Westy was held at Nishi Culture Hall (Westy), Sakai. I submitted three requests for songs, among which only Yashi no mi (The fruit of the palm tree) was adopted. However, so many of my favorite songs were sung that I enjoyed the event very much. The song leader said, "Hoping for peace," when she proposed to sing two songs of Okinawa. This introductory comment was probably taken from my request card for Gembaku o yurusumaji (No more atomic bombs).

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