

東京で、2013年春 -1- (In Tokyo, Spring 2013 -1-)

 4月3日(水)、東京・四谷の「スクワール麹町」2 階の「レストラン アビアン」で開催の金沢菫台(きんだい)高校5期生(1954 年卒)・関東同窓会に参加するため、2日(火)に上京した。到着時から同窓会終了まで、あいにくの雨で、とくに 3 日午前中は風も強かった。それでも,会場のビルの玄関や窓から、また帰途の JR 駅で、四谷周辺のサクラの見える風景の写真を撮ることが出来た。

 2 日夕方には、同窓会幹事の一人、MR 君("Ted's Archives" に連載中の高校時代の日記に登場する Twelve 君)が私の定宿・学士会館へ会いに来てくれて、同会館の和食レストラン「二色」で夕食をとりながら、昔の思い出などを語り合った。

 同窓会の参加者は 9 名(うち女性 1 名)。正午から食事をしながら、談論風発。終りに校歌「古城の東 菫台(すみれだい)」を斉唱し、われわれ一同が 80 歳になる 3 年後まではこの会を続けようと誓い合って散会した。(つづく)

On Tuesday, April 2, I went to Tokyo to participate in the Kanto Region Reunion of 1954 Graduates from Kanazawa Kindai Senior High School. The reunion was held on Wednesday, April 3, in Yotsuya. Unfortunately, it rained from the time of my arrival at Tokyo to the end of the reunion, and the strong wind also blew in the morning of Wednesday. However, I was able to take some pictures of landscapes with cherry blossoms around Yotsuya, viewed from the entrance and the windows of the reunion site as well as from the JR station.

In the Tuesday evening, a friend of mine, MR, who was one of the managers of the reunion, came to see me to Gakushikaikan, where I stayed. We talked about our memories of old days over dinner at the Japanese restaurant "Nishiki" there.

The number of participants in the reunion was nine including a woman. The meeting began at noon, and we talked much over dinner. Finally we sang the school song "Kojo no higashi Sumiredai (At the east of the old castle is Sumiredai)" together and decided to hold our reunion for more three years at least, when all of us would be 80 years old. (To be continued)

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