

海外旅行から帰ってみると (On Coming Back from Overseas Travel, ...)

 当地でまだキンモクセイの咲いていなかった 10 月 17 日、妻と私は関西空港のホテルに前泊し、18 日朝のルフトハンザ機でドナウの船旅に向かった。今年はキンモクセイの花を見ないことになるかと思っていたが、28 日午前、わが家へ戻ると、庭のキンモクセイがちょうど満開だった。

On October 17, when sweet osmanthus was not yet blooming here, my wife and I stayed at the hotel near Kansai Airport and headed to cruise on the Danube by a Lufthansa plane in the next morning. We thought that we would not able to see the blossoms of sweet osmanthus this year. On returning to our house in the morning of October 28, however, we saw in our yard those blossoms in full bloom.

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