

ヒイラギモクセイ (Fortune's Sweet Olive)

 昨年 10 月 29 日、堺市・鈴の宮団地北端に続く生け垣のところでヒイラギモクセイの花を撮影したときには、花が少なくて、写りのよさそうなものを選ぶのに苦労した。しかし、今年は同じ生け垣全体によく花が咲いていて、香りもかなり強く漂っている。

When I took a photo of blossoms of fortune's sweet olive on October 29 last year at one of the north-end hedges of Suzunomiya housing complex, Sakai, last year, it was somewhat difficult to find photogenic one among a small number of groups of blossoms. However, many blossoms are in bloom on the entire region of the same hedges this year, and fragrance is well floating around.

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