

ドナウ川クルーズ 21 (Cruise on the Danube -21-)

 旅の 4 日目(10 月 21 日)午後、ウィーンまでのクルーズや船内行事を楽しむ。

The afternoon of the fourth day (October 21) of the trip: We enjoyed cruise to Vienna and events in the ship.

航行中のセレナーデ II 号の船室から。
Landscape of the Danube coast between Bratislava and Vienna, as seen from the cabin of the Serenade II during sailing.

The ship entered between the valves of a sluice, and water injection is being made to raise the water level there up to the upstream level.

Water injection ended, the front valve was opened, and navigation is resumed.

18:15 から船の 3 階ラウンジで、乗船歓迎のウエルカムドリンクと、主要船員の紹介がある。写真は船員紹介の場面。向かって左が船長のエインテ・ド・フリースさん。
We were offered a drink-up party to welcome on board and introduction of main crews of the ship in the lounge on the third floor of the ship from 18:15. The picture shows the scene of introduction of crews. At the left is the captain Einte de Vries.

Continuation of the introduction of crews.

Same as above.

(To be continued)

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