

ドナウ川クルーズ 36 (Cruise on the Danube -36-)

 旅の 6 日目(10 月 23 日)午後、オーストリアのバッハウ渓谷クルーズ(続き)。

The afternoon of the sixth day (October 23) of the trip: Cruise on the Danube in the Wachau valley (continuation).

Autumn leaves landscape of the Danube coast.

Autumn leaves in relatively much green.

Mild autumn colors.

14:50 頃、シェーンビューエル城が見え始める。
Schönbühel Castle appeared in sight around 14:50.

We came close to Schönbühel Castle.

15:00 ちょうどに撮影。シェーンビューエル城が見え始めてから、全部で 12 枚もこの城の写真を撮っていたが、最後のこの写真が一番よさそうだ。
I took this photo of Schönbühel Castle just at 15:00. From the time when we began to see it, I took a total of twelve pictures of this castle. Among them this last one seems to be the best.

 このあと、船の 3 階ラウンジでイングリシュ・ティータイムがあり、船内のパティシェが焼いたプチケーキと紅茶を味わった。

After taking the above photo, I joined the English-style tea time held in the third-floor lounge of the ship. We tasted a cup of tea with petit cakes the confectioner of the ship had baked.

(To be continued)

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