

ドナウ川クルーズ 37 (Cruise on the Danube -37-)

 旅の 6 日目(10 月 23 日)午後、オーストリアのバッハウ渓谷クルーズ(続き)。ティータイムのあと。

The afternoon of the sixth day (October 23) of the trip: Cruise on the Danube in the Wachau valley (continuation); after tea time.

15:25 頃、ドナウ川左岸にエマースドルフの町が見え始める。
Around 15:25, the town of Emmersdorf came into sight on the left bank of the Danube.

The black tower belongs to Magdalene Chapel, and white one, to Emmersdorf Church.

Wachau Railway overpass. At the right is Emmersdorf Church.

少し前に並んで写っていたエマースドルフ教会とマグダレーネ教会堂の塔が、このとき、かなり離れてしまい、上の 2 枚の写真の通り、別のコマに写っていたのに驚いた。岸からの距離の相違と岸の形のせいだろう。写真の左が船の進行方向で、この辺りで岸は、緩やかにではあるが、進行方向に大きく右折している。
In the two photos above, the towers of Emmersdorf Church and Magdalene Chapel, which had been captured side by side a little before, stand one by one separately. This surprised me but was probably caused by the difference between their distances from the riverbank and the shape of the bank. The left of the photo is the direction of our ship's sailing, and here the bank shows a big turn to the right of the sailing direction, though gently.

15:33 頃、あす内部を見学する予定のメルク修道院が見えて来た。
Around 15:33, Melk Abbey, where we are going to visit tomorrow, has come in view.
Today's cruise will end soon.

(To be continued)

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