

ドナウ川クルーズ 47 (Cruise on the Danube -47-)

 旅の 8 日目(10 月 25 日)午前、オーストリアで 3 番目に大きい都市であり、作曲家アントン・ブルックナーの出身地でもあるリンツの観光。

The morning of the eighth day (October 25) of the trip: sightseeing in Linz, which is the third-largest city of Austria and where the composer Anton Bruckner was born.

リンツの港付近、ドナウ川左岸、午前 8 時の風景。左側の傾斜した建物は電子芸術の美術館、アルス・エレクトロニカ・センター。右の塔は聖ヨセフ教区教会。
View of the left bank of the Danube near the port of Linz, 8:00 am. The inclined building at the left is Ars Electronica Center, a center for electronic arts. The tower on the right is St. Josef Parish Church (German: Urfahrer Josefskirche.

Landscape that continues to the right (east) of the one in the above photo. Linz Railway Bridge (German: Linzer Eisenbahnbrücke) is captured only dimly at the right end.

午前 9 時、ドナウ川右岸へ上陸し、リンツ市内観光に向かう。写真は港の近くで見かけた観光用のミニトレイン。
At 9:00 am, we landed on the right bank of the Danube and went for the sightseeing of Linz city. The photo shows a mini-train for sightseeing we saw in the vicinity of the port.

We pass under Lentos Art Museum standing on the bank of the Danube.

Cityscape of Linz.

マリア昇天教区教会 (Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt, Parish Church of the Assumption)。
Parish Church of the Assumption (German: Stadtpfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt.

(To be continued)

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