

またも雪景色 (Snow Scene Once Again)

 2 月 14 日から 15 日にかけて、先週と同様、本州南岸を進む「南岸低気圧」が太平洋側の広い範囲に雪をもたらし、関東甲信の内陸部では記録的な大雪となっている。昨日は、当地、堺でも昼頃まで雪が降っていた(上の写真は正午と午後 3 時頃に撮影)。ひと冬に三度も雪景色が見られるのは、この辺りでは珍しいことである。

From February 14 to 15, similarly to last week, "south coast low pressure" brought snow to a wide range of the Pacific Ocean side of Japan, and heavy snow records were marked in the inland of Kanto and Koshin Districts. Yesterday, it was also snowing until around noon here in Sakai (photos above were taken around noon and 3:00 pm). Seeing snow scene three times in a winter is quite rare in this area.

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