

愛知・岐阜への旅 4:岐阜羽島の宿で (Trip to Aichi and Gifu. 4: At an Inn in Gifu-hashima)

 旅の 2 日目の夜は、「かんぽの宿・岐阜羽島」で泊まる。名古屋で映画を見たため、新幹線岐阜羽島駅へ来る宿の送迎バスの時間に間に合わなくなり、タクシーを利用した。新幹線が出来たばかりの頃には目立ってしょうがなかった駅前の大野伴睦夫妻像は、今回の旅では見えなかった。タクシーは田園の間の道をほとんど一直線に走ったあと、少し折れ曲がって宿に到着した。宿の窓からの翌朝のスケッチ(上掲のイメージ)も田園風景である(手前は宿の駐車場)。旅の 3 日目は、1、2 日目と異なり、気温が低くなって来たので、どこへも寄ることなく、早い時間に帰宅した。(完)

At the second night of the trip, we stayed at "Kampo Inn Gifu-hashima." Because we had watched a movie in Nagoya, we were late for the time of the shuttle bus of the inn at the Gifu-hashima Station of Shinkansen and took a taxi. When the railways for the bullet train had just been constructed, the statues of the politician Bamboku Ōno and his wife were too noticeable in front of the station, but we did not see them this time. The taxi from the station went through an almost straight road through rice paddies and finally took sideways for a short distance to arrive at the inn. The sketch (the image above) I made from the window of the inn next morning is also of rural scenery (the nearest portion is the parking lot of the inn). Unlike that of the first and second days, the temperature of the third day became rather low. So, we came home in an early hour without stopping by anywhere.

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