

雪の日本列島 (Snowfall over Japanese Islands)

 急速に発達した南岸低気圧の影響で、昨 2 月 8 日から日本列島は広い範囲で雪が降り、関東・東北方面では記録的な大雪となっている。当地、堺でも 8 日朝、雪景色が見られた(写真)が、積雪に悩まされている地域に比べれば、積もったといえないほどの少量だった。

Under the influence of the low pressure that developed rapidly at the south coast, it has been snowing in a wide range of Japanese islands since yesterday (February 8), making heavy snow records in the Kanto and Tohoku districts. Yesterday morning, snow was also observed here in Sakai (the photo above). However, it was so small an amount that it could not be said to have "piled up" compared to the area where people were bothered by snow.

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