

愛知・岐阜への旅 3:映画『小さいおうち』と失われたヒマラヤ美術館 (Trip to Aichi and Gifu. 3: The film Chiisai Ouchi (Little House) and Lost Himalaya Art Museum)

 旅の 2 日目、かんぽの宿「知多美浜」から同「岐阜羽島」へ移動した。途中、名古屋で時間があったが、あいにく月曜日で、美術館などは全て休館である。そこで、JR 名古屋駅前のミッドランドスクエアシネマで、山田洋次監督の映画『小さいおうち』を見た。原作は中島京子による同題名の直木賞受賞小説である。楽しめる筋の中に、背景の時代を通して今の時代を考えさせる方向へ人々を穏やかに導く山田監督の製作態度がすばらしいと思った。

On the second day of the trip, we moved from the Kampo Inn "Chita-mihama" to another one "Gifu-hashima," and had a spare time in Nagoya. Unfortunately, it was Monday, and museums were all closed. So, we watched the movie Chiisai Ouchi (Little House) directed by Yoji Yamada at Midland Square Cinema near the JR Nagoya Station. The movie is based on Kyoko Nakajima's Naoki-Prize winning novel of the same title. I think it wonderful that Yamada produced the film that, while enjoying the plot, people were gently led to compare the era of the story background with the present political situation in our country.

 名古屋駅の近くに、かつて、ヒマラヤ美術館という美術館があった。私は 1982 年に大連嶺前小学校での恩師・松本貞夫先生にそこへ連れて行って貰った。三岸節子の作品を中心に、三岸好太郎、杉本健吉、梅原龍三郎らの絵も集めてあり、感じのよい美術館だった。インターネットで調べると、運営していたヒマラヤ製菓が破産し、買収したムッターハムも破産し、2008年に解体されたと分った(こちら参照)。私が訪れたときのパンフレットには、杉本健吉の『西の京』という作品の写真があるが、それは今回、杉本美術館で見た。ヒマラヤ製菓の借金の担保として、ヒマラヤ美術館の有名な絵画が一部流出してしまったと伝えられているのは、まことに惜しいことである。

Near the JR Nagoya Station, there was once a museum of the name "Himalaya Art Museum." In 1982, Mr. Sadao Matsumoto, my teacher at Dalian Reizen Elementary School, took me there. In addition to many works of Setsuko Migishi, works by Kotaro Migishi, Kenkichi Sugimoto, Ryuzaburo Umehara and others were also collected there, and I got a good impression from that museum. By searching on the Internet, I found the following fact: Himalaya Confectionery, which had been operated the museum, went into bankruptcy, and a meat packer company, which bought the museum, also failed. Thus, the museum was dismantled in 2008. In the brochure I got when I visited there, a photo of the work Nishinokyo (West of Kyoto) by Kenkichi Sugimoto is printed. I saw this work at Sugimoto Art Museum. Quite regrettably, it is reported that some of the famous paintings in Himalaya Art Museum were lost as collateral for a loan of Himalaya Confectionery.

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