

堺でサクラ開花 (Cherry Blossoms Begin to Bloom in Sakai)

My personal "standard tree" in front of Kusabe Shrine. This tree begins to bloom somewhat earlier than other Yoshino cherry trees nearby. It rained all day yesterday, and I could not go to see cherry trees. It was cloudy and windy this morning. However, I found that my standard tree had already passed the stage of "just beginning to bloom."

Even some small portions of the tree show the state of blooming.

上の 2 枚は笠池公園で撮影したもの。開花といえる木もあるが、まだ少数派である。鳳公園では昨年植えられた若い木の一本だけが開花状態だった。
The two photos above were taken in Kasaike Park. Though such ones are yet of the minority, there are some trees in the state of beginning to bloom. In Ōtori park, only one of the young trees planted last year was beginning to bloom.

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