

ドナウ川クルーズ 53 (Cruise on the Danube -53-)

 旅の 8 日目(10 月 25 日)午前、オーストリアのリンツ市内観光(続き)。最後に旧大聖堂へ。

The morning of the eighth day (October 25) of the trip: sightseeing of Linz city in Austria (continued); The last visiting spot was the Old Cathedral (German: Alter Dom).

旧大聖堂の外観。あまりにも近くで撮ったため、二つの塔の上の青い丸屋根が、一方の一部分しか見えていない。1669 年から 1683 年にかけて造られたリンツで最大のバロック建築であるが、19 世紀に造られたゴシック様式の新大聖堂より、モダンな感じを受ける。
Exterior of the Old Cathedral. Because this picture was taken at a too close point, only one is partially seen of blue domes at the top of two towers. Having been built between 1669 and 1683, it is the largest baroque building in Linz. However, it gives an impression of more modern than the New Cathedral of Gothic style built in the 19th century.

Organ loft of the Old Cathedral, where composer Anton Bruckner played the organ.

Desks and chairs for common people are of elaborate design.

再び町の中心を歩いて船へ戻る。We went back to the ship on foot passing through town again.

 船のレストランでの昼食はカレーバイキング。13 時にリンツを出港してパッサウへ向かう。

We had lunch of curry in Viking style at the restaurant of the ship. The ship departed from Linz at 1:00 pm to go to Passau.

(To be continued)

You can see all the articles of "Cruise on the Danube" here.

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