

ヤエザクラが咲く (Double Cherry Blossoms Bloom)

 私のウォーキング経路に沿う家々の庭にヤエザクラの多い場所がある。昨日から始まった造幣局(大阪市北区)の「桜の通り抜け」に合わせるように、それらの庭のヤエザクラも、いま咲き誇っている(1 枚目の写真)。他方、先に満開を通り越したソメイヨシノ、オオシマザクラ、ヤマザクラの花も、まだ木々に残っていて(2〜4 枚目の写真)、鈴の宮公園の全景はなお華やかである(5 枚目の写真)。あす、近くの笠池公園でこの辺の自治会連合の桜祭りがある予定で、模擬店用のテントが準備されていた(6 枚目の写真)。ソメイヨシノばかりこの公園も、残り花でなんとか祭りの格好がつきそうである。

Along my walking course, there is a place where each yard of many houses has a double-cherry tree. Like going along with the opening of the Cherry Blossom Viewing site yesterday at Mint (Kita-ku, Osaka), double cherry blossoms in those yards are now in full bloom (the top photo). On the other hand, trees of Yoshino cherry, Oshima cherry and Japanese cherry, which became full bloom earlier, still have blossoms (from the second to the fourth photos), and the panoramic view of Suzunomiya Park keeps gorgeous shades (the fifth photo). A cherry festival of neighborhood associations around here is planned to be held tomorrow in Kasaike Park near my home, and they were making preparation of tents for refreshment stands (the bottom photo). This park has only Yoshino cherry trees, but the festival will be blessed to some extent by the remaining blossoms.

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