

東京で 2:皇居東御苑 (In Tokyo -2-: The East Gardens of the Imperial Palace)

 東京から帰る 4 月 4 日の午前、M・Y 君と東京駅で待ち合わせ、皇居東御苑を案内して貰った。われわれが大手門から入ろうとすると、ガードマンらしい人が、「乾通りへ行くのですか」と尋ねた。当日は桜並木で有名な乾通りの一般公開初日だったので、そこへ行くのならば坂下門の方へと誘導するつもりだったらしい。一般公開を知らなかったわれわれは、「いいえ」と答えて通過した。後日のテレビニュースなどで、乾通りは公開期間中大混雑だったことを知った。御苑内では、二の丸庭園や、三の丸尚蔵館で開催中の展覧会「佳麗なる近代京焼-有栖川宮家伝来、幹山伝七の逸品」を見た。

 写真は上から、皇居正門石橋旧電燈、キブシ(木五倍子、キブシ科キブシ属、学名 Stachyurus praecox)の花、二の丸庭園のサクラ、同庭園のもう一本のサクラの木、石垣の上のサクラ。(完)

In the morning of April 4, I met Mr. M. Y. at Tokyo station. He guided me to the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace near there. When we were going to enter the gardens from Ōte-mon Gate, a person, who seemed to be a security guard, said to us, "Do you go to Inui Street?" It was the first day of the opening to the public of Inui-dōri street known for its beautiful cherry trees. If we had wanted to go there, he would have made us go to the other gate, Sakashita-mon. We did not know about the opening of Inui-dōri street. So, we said, "No" and passed through Ōte-mon Gate. In a TV news on later days, I learned that there was a big crowd all through the opening days of Inui-dōri street. In East Gardens, we saw Ninomaru Garden and the exhibition "Denshichi Kanzan's Kyo-yaki (Kyoto-ware), Arisugawas' Legacy," which was being held at Museum of the Imperial Collections.

The photos above show, from top to bottom, an electric light formerly used on the stone bridge at the main gate of Imperial Palace, blossoms of Stachyurus praecox, cherry blossoms in Ninomaru Garden, another cherry tree in the same garden and a cherry tree on a stone wall. (End)

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