

東京で 1:雨中のサクラ (In Tokyo -1-: Cherry Blossoms in Rain)

 4 月 3 日、東京・四谷で旧金沢菫台高校同期生関東在住者会があり、出席した。参加者は 9 名、うち女性 1 名だった。正午から午後 3 時まで、イタリア料理を楽しみながら歓談した。この会は、われわれが 80 歳になる明後年まで続けて、それ以後のことはその時点で考えることになった。

 昼の間は雨がやむという前日の予報がはずれて、あいにく雨が降り続いたが、雨中のサクラも風情があった。写真 1 枚目は JR 市ヶ谷駅から見た新見附濠の土手のサクラ。2、3 枚目は JR 四谷駅付近のサクラ。4、5 枚目は同じく JR 四谷駅付近のサクラを同期会会場のビルの 3 階から撮影。(つづく)

On April 3, the reunion of the Kanto-Region members who finished Kanazawa Kindai Senior High School in 1954 was held in Yotsuya, Tokyo, and I attended it. There were nine participants, one of whom was a woman. From noon to 15:00, we enjoyed talking over Italian dishes. This meeting will be held until 2016, when we will be 80 years old, and discussion about further continuation will be made at that point of time.

The weather forecast told that it would be cloudy in the daytime of April 3. Unfortunately, it kept raining all the day. However, cherry blossoms also look fine in the rain. The top photo shows cherry blossoms on the bank of Shinmitsuke Moat as seen from JR Ichigaya Station; and the second and third, cherry blossoms near JR Yotsuya Station. The fourth and fifth photos were taken at the third floor of the building where the reunion was held and also show the cherry blossoms near the latter station. (To be continued)

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