

「舞妃蓮の郷はす公園」へ (Trip to a Lotus Garden)

「舞妃蓮の郷はす公園」で。こちらをクリックすると、フェイスブックの写真のページが開き、ポインターを写真上に置くと右手に出る > 印をクリックすれば、全 9 枚を順にご覧になれる。
Photos in the lotus garden. Clicking here and then clicking the symbol > at the right on the photo page of Facebook, you can see a total of nine photos one by one.

 2019 年 6 月 19 日、妻とバス旅行「舞妃蓮(まいひれん)の郷と紀州みなべ会席」に参加した。「舞妃蓮の郷はす公園」(北吉田 蓮の郷)は和歌山県御坊市藤田町にあり、大賀蓮と王子蓮を掛け合わせた御坊生まれのハスが一面に咲き誇る池と、そのハスを皇室に献上したことから周囲に植えた皇室ゆかりの木々が見られる。「舞妃蓮」の名は花の優雅さから、献上当時の美智子皇后に因んで付けられた。なお、現地での説明の中で、ハスの花の寿命は 4 日間と知った。

On June 19, 2019, my wife and I joined a bus tour, "Maihiren-no Sato and Kishu-Minabe Kaiseki." "Maihiren-no Sato Lotus Garden" is located in Fujita-cho, Gobo City, Wakayama Prefecture. The garden has a pond full of flowers of the Gobo-born lotus, "Maihiren," which was produced by mixing Ōga lotus and Ōji lotus. That lotus was presented to the imperial family. Around the pond, some trees related to the imperial family are planted. "Maihiren" was named after Empress Michiko (at the time of offering) because of the elegance of flowers. In the local explanation, I learned that the life of lotus flower is 4 days.


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