

鹿教湯温泉 3 (Kakeyu Hot Spring -3-)

 旅の 2 日目の昼食後には、昼食をとった「和みの湯宿 なかやま」にほど近い光前寺へ自由散策(上の写真)。ここは杉の林の中にあり、樹齢数百年の巨木も多く、境内全域が「光前寺庭園」の名で国の名勝に指定されている。

After lunch on the second day of the trip, we walked as we liked, to Kozen Temple (photos above) located near the place of lunch. The temple is situated in the forest of cedar, and there are many large trees hundreds of years old. The entire precinct has been designated a national scenic spot by the name of "The Garden of Kozen Temple."

 続いてバスで午後の目的地、喬木村のイチゴ農場へ(上の写真。3 枚目の写真中の男性は、当日のガイド役の斎藤ホテル従業員)。下の写真はいちご狩りを楽しんだビニールハウス内部のイチゴとその花。試食したイチゴの品種は「ゆめのか」、「紅(べに)ほっぺ」、「章姫(あきひめ)」。

Then, we went by bus to the destination of the afternoon, i.e., the strawberry farm in Takagi Village (photos above; the person in the bottom photo is an employee of Saito hotel, who guided the bus tour). Photos below show fruits and flowers of strawberry inside the greenhouse, where we enjoyed strawberry picking. The varieties of strawberry we tasted were "Yume no ka," "Beni hoppe (red cheeks)" and "Aki hime (Princess Aki)."


After the lunch of that day, we had a relaxed time by listening to the concert at the hotel lobby. The photo below shows the program of the concert. The music played for the encore was Taro Hakase's "Passionate Continent." (To be continued)

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