

第25回美交会展 (The 25th Bikokai Exhibition)


The 25th Bikokai Exhibition is going to be held at the entrance hall of the main building, Sakai City Hall, Sakai, from November 1 to 3, 2011. I present two watercolors shown at this blog site, "Shiokake Road in Sumiyoshi Park" and "Three Fourths Foliage in Autumn Colors." We should be glad if you could come to see the exhibition and give us critical comments on our works.


盛会だった福泉・鳳地域「憲法9条」の会5周年のつどい (The Fifth Anniversary Meeting of Our Local Article 9 Association Ended Successfully)

Chihiro Ito talks enthusiastically by stepping out in front of the podium.


From 2:00 pm, October 30, the fifth anniversary meeting of Fukuizumi–Ōtori Article 9 Association was held at Nishi Cultural Hall, Sakai. After my opening remarks, all the participants sang two songs by the accompaniment of Okinawan musical instrument sanshin. Then, we listened to a talk by Chihiro Ito (a staff writer of the Asahi Shimbun) for 1.5 hours. On the basis of observations in many overseas countries, he told us the following stories that encouraged our movement of keeping Article 9 of Japanese Constitution: use of geothermal power in Iceland, a monument of Article 9 in the Spanish territory of Canary Islands, constitution books sold at stalls in Venezuela, "exporting of peace" by Costa Rica following its peaceful constitution, the "orizuru" movement to expel the US military bases in Ecuador, etc. At the venue of 100 seats, we had 90 participants to make the event a success.


秋空のもと (Under the Autumn Sky)


I refrain from walking freely through the alley in an estate where single- and double-family houses are lined. Looking through such an alley, however, I saw over there red and reddish purple roofs looking pretty under the autumn sky. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Estate, October 18, 2011.


ある数学者の独特な自伝 (A Mathematician's Unique Autobiography)

Read in English.



秋の日はつるべ落とし (Evening Dusk Comes Suddenly in Autumn)


While I was unaware of it because of fairly high temperatures of these days, the sun now begins to fall pretty early. Going for a walk in the mid-afternoon of the other day, I noticed this. The sun at the low position makes an extremely long shadow of my whole body on the ground. So, putting the shadow of the upper body on a fence, I took the shadow of myself close to the actual aspect ratio (the top photo). When the sun is hidden in the clouds even a little after four o'clock, the scene is already like that of the evening (the bottom photo). There is a Japanese saying, "Akino hi wa tsurube otoshi" (literally, the sun falls like a well bucket in autumn; namely, evening dusk comes suddenly in autumn). Photos were taken in Suzunomiya Park and by the Ishizu River, Sakai, October 24, 2011.


2011年9月分記事へのエム・ワイ君の感想 (M.Y's Comments on the Posts of September 2011)

[In Japanese only]

 M・Y 君から "Ted's Coffeehouse 2" 2011年9月分への感想を2011年10月24日付けで貰った。同君の了承を得て、ここに紹介する。青色の文字をクリックすると、言及されている記事が別ウインドウに開く。

1. 湯川秀樹のリンダウ講演 (Hideki Yukawa's Lindau Lecture)



 「湯川の英語の話し方には京都なまりがある、という噂があった。しかし、このリンダウ講演を聞くと、私にはそうは思われない。この講演での彼の声は若々しく聞こえ、"The Yukawa Story" というビデオのナレーターとして聞くことの出来る子息、高秋の声にかなり似ているような気がする。また、湯川の英語講演は、大学の教室においての日本語での講義よりも聞きやすいように思われる」と、筆者は自身の感想を述べています。湯川先生の講義を受講した私の経験から、さもありなんと思いました。興味深く読みました。

2. 台風12号が去って (After Typhoon Talas)


3. 「戦友」:太平洋戦争中に禁止された軍歌 ["Sen'yu (The Fellow Soldier)": The Martial Song Banned during World War II]






紅葉し始めのサクラ (Cherry Leaves Turning into Autumn Color)


Only some leaves of a cherry tree were in autumn color. This was as pleasing a sight to me as the view of leaves thoroughly in autumn color. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, October 16, 2011.


ハナミズキの紅葉 2 (Leaves of Flowering Dogwood in Autumn Color -2-)


Leaves of flowering dogwood in autumn color excellently shine in front of white walls. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Estate, Sakai, October 16, 2011.


ハナミズキの紅葉 (Leaves of Flowering Dogwood in Autumn Color)


Flowering dogwood; botanical name, Benthamidia florida; family, Cornaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, October 16, 2011.


アマリリス (Hippeastrum)


Hippeastrum (a genus); family, Amaryllidaceae. The photo was taken in our yard, October 18, 2011. This is a cultivar blooming in winter, and we saw flowers in December every year. This year, however, it bloomed so early in October.


セイタカアワダチソウ (Canada Goldenrod)


Canada goldenrod; botanical name, Solidago canadensis; family, Asteraceae. The photo was taken at the side of an elementary school playground, October 18, 2011.


コルチカム (Autumn crocus)


Autumn crocus, meadow saffron or naked lady; botanical name, Colchicum autumnale; family, Colchicaceae. The photo was taken in our yard, October 18, 2010.


ギンモクセイ (Sweet Olive)


Sweet olive; botanical name, Osmanthus fragrans Lour. var. fragrans; family, Oleaceae. The photo was taken on a street lined with hedges of sweet osmanthus trees, on my way to Suzunomiya Park, October 16, 2011.


ザクロの花と実 (Pomegranate; Its Blossom and Fruits)

 ザクロ(石榴、柘榴、若榴、ザクロ科)。2011年10月12日、近隣の工場前で撮影。花だけが咲いていた頃には、何という名の花だろうと思いながら見ていたが、このところ、実がなって花もまだ残っていたので、名前がわかった。幼い頃、母が両手を組み合わせて、手首の方を私に見せ、「実のあるザクロか? ないザクロか?」といって遊んでくれた。両手の指を手のひらの中へぐっと曲げ込んでおくと、手首側を開いて中を見せたとき、果肉のつまったザクロのように見えるのである。他方、指を注意深く手のひらの裏側に隠しておけば、皮だけで中身のないザクロになる。

Pomegranate; botanical name, Punica granatum; family, Punicaceae. Photo were taken in front of a nearby factory, October 12, 2011. In my childhood, my mother used to play with me by combining her hands, showing me the wrist side and asking me, "Which do you think this is, pomegranate fruit full of flesh or empty one?" When she bent her fingers in between the palms and showed the hands by opening the wrist side a little after my guess, they looked like a pomegranate fruit filled with pulp. On the other hand, when she carefully kept her fingers behind the palms, her hands represented the fruit without pulp.


イネ (Asian Rice)

 イネ(稲、稻、禾、イネ科)、 収穫物は米と呼ばれ、世界三大穀物の一つ。2011年10月9日、ウォーキング途中で撮影。わが国が TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership, 環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定) に参加するようなことになれば、農業は大打撃を被る。

Asian rice; botanical name, Oryza sativa; family, Poaceae. The grain harvested from this plant is also called rice, which is one of the world's three main kinds of cereal. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, October 9, 2011. If Japan would join the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), the agriculture of the country would suffer a devastating blow.


ハナミズキの実 (Fruits of Flowering Dogwood)


Flowering dogwood; botanical name, Benthamidia florida; family, Cornaceae. The photo was taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, October 9, 2011. Red round things are fruits, and white ones are buds to bloom next spring.


カマキリ (Mantis)


Mantis, also called praying mantis; botanical name, Mantodea (order); family, Mantidae. I often saw this insect years ago but rarely see one these days, probably due to urbanization of residential area. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, October 8, 2011.


トキワマンサクの二度咲き (Reblooming of Chinese Fringe Flower)


Chinese fringe flower; botanical name, Loropetalum chinense; family, Hamamelidaceae. Photos: upper, basic variety with pale-yellow flowers; lower, pink-flowering variety; both taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, October 9, 2011. The normal flowering period of these plants is spring.

 お知らせ (Notice) 消滅した別サイトの記事をアーカイブに復元中。2005年5月分が完成。 (Blog posts at the site that disappeared are now under recovery in the archives of this site. The archive of May 2005 is now complete. Most of the posts in that month are in Japanese.)


黄花のブッソウゲ (Chinese Hibiscus with an Yellow Flower)


Chinese hibiscus, also known as China rose and shoe flower; botanical name, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; family, Malvaceae. I have this plant that blooms in red but rarely see one with yellow flowers. On my way of walking exercise, October 3, 2011, I saw the flower of the above photo in front of someone's house.


キンモクセイは二度咲く (Sweet Osmanthus Blooms Twice)


Sweet osmanthus, also known as sweet olive, tea olive and fragrant olive; botanical name, Osmanthus fragrans var. aurantiacus; family, Oleaceae. The photos were taken in our yard, October 2 and 11, 2011. This plant fully bloomed here twice, around each day when I took one of the photos. The number of blossoms were smaller first time than the second. Making search on the Internet with the words, "Sweet osmanthus blooms twice," we get some descriptions about blooming twice of this plant.


ワルナスビ (Carolina Horsenettle)


Carolina horsenettle; botanical name, Solanum carolinenseCarolina horsenettle, also known as radical weed or sand brier (or "briar"); family, Solanaceae. The photo was taken in the backyard of Tsukuno Estate, Sakai, October 1, 2011. Flowers of this plant are at their best in early summer. I thought that I missed taking a photo of them this year, so that I took the above shot of those blooming out of season. On returning home and looking at the record, I found that I had posted the picture of this plant June 30 this year.


白花のヒガンバナ (White Lycoris)

 白花のヒガンバナは珍しい。先日、「千住真理子 ヴァイオリン・リサイタル」を聞きに行くためにバス停留所までの裏道を妻と歩いたとき、ある家の前に咲いているのを見つけ、翌日のウォーキングの際に撮影して来た。

I rarely see white lycoris. The other day when going to Mariko Senju violin recital, my wife and I walked to the nearby bus stop through a byway to find one in front of a house. For the walking exercise of the next day, I took the route that included that byway to get the above shot.


ヒガンバナ (Red Spider Lily)

 ヒガンバナ(彼岸花、ヒガンバナ科)。リコリス、曼珠沙華(マンジュシャゲ、またはマンジュシャカ;サンスクリット語 manjusaka の音写)とも呼ばれる。1枚目の写真は、2011年9月29日、堺市・笠池公園で、ツツジの葉の間から一本だけ咲き出ているのを撮影。2枚目は、同じ日、ウォーキング途中の道端で。

Red spider lily; botanical name, Lycoris radiata; family, Amaryllidaceae. The top photo shows the single flower of spider lily coming out among the leaves of an azalea tree in Kasaike Park, Sakai; taken September 29, 2011. The bottom photo was taken on the same day at the roadside of one of my walking routes.


兼六園から香林坊へ 2 (From Kenroku Park to Kōrinbō -2-)



Hirosaka Street, which extends from Mayumizaka gate of Kenroku Park to Korinbo, has not only many street trees but also two large green areas of HIrosaka-ryokuchi and Central Park along its north side. In Hirosaka-ryokuchi, there stands Shiinoki Cultural Complex (the top photo), which is the renewed historical building of the previous government office of Ishikawa Prefecture. "Shiinoki" in its name comes from "Dōgata shii-no ki," which is a pair of Castanopsis sieboldii trees in front of the building (one of these dome-shaped trees is seen at the right in the top photo); and "Dōgata" is the old nickname of this area. This pair of trees is more than 300 years old and one of natural monuments of the country.

The second photo shows the landscape in the direction of Kenroku Park, viewed near Korinbo bus stop on Hirosaka Street. When I lived in Kanazawa decades ago, the streetcar ran along the middle of the road, and there was no street tree. I wonder from where so many tall trees were brought here. The bottom photo shows the view from Korinbo intersection towards Katamachi in the south. (End)


なにわのクルーズ・味・歌声 2 (Cruising, Eating and Singing in Osaka -2-)

 昼食は申し込み時の希望によって二手に別れ、法善寺横町(1枚目の写真)の「すし半」での法善寺横町弁当または「道頓堀今井」でのきつねうどんを味わう。妻と私は前者を選んだ。「すし半」で食事をした私たちは、そこへ来る前に添乗員から案内された道を各人が逆にたどり、歌声の集いの会場「道頓堀ZAZA」の前に集合する。(「道頓堀今井」は歌声の集い会場のすぐ隣である。)法善寺横町から道頓堀通りへ「今井」店の横を通って抜ける、一人だけが通れるぐらいの幅の路地がある。「浮世小路」の名があり、2008年頃に6年越しで復元されたということである [1](2枚目の写真、前方が道頓堀方面)。


  1. 道頓堀「浮世小路」に良き時代の大阪を見る! ウェブサイト「企画の王道」.

We enjoyed either Hozenji-yokocho bentō (box lunch specific to Hozenji alley) at the restaurant Sushihan in Hozenji-yokocho (the top photo shows this alley) or kitsune-udon (Japanese macaroni with fried bean curd) at Imai in Dotonbori, according to the desire at the time of application to the event. My wife and I chose the former. After lunch, those who had lunch at Sushihan followed the reverse path, through which the tour conductor had guided us when coming there, to the spot, Dotonbori ZAZA, of the afternoon event (the restaurant Imai is just next to that spot). To come to the front of the restaurant Imai from Hozenji-yokocho, we passed an extremely narrow alley, which had the width suitable for one passenger only (the second photo; Dotonbori street is in the forward direction). The alley has the name "Ukiyokoji" (transitory-world alley) and was restored circa 2008 by spending six years.

Dotonbori ZAZA is located in the basement of the building "Nakaza kuidaore" (the bottom photo). The event of singing began at 1:30 pm by the moderation of a young woman (song leader) and accompaniment of the band "Carnival," and we strongly sang a total of 18 songs together until 3:00 pm, with 15 minutes of rest period in between. On the application card to the event, we were able to request some songs to be sung, so that I wrote a little more than 10 favorite songs. To my surprise, the first song "Mikan-no Hana Saku Oka" (The Hill with Orange Blossoms) was introduced as "the request by Mr. Tabata in Sakai." The fifth song "Natsu-no Omoide" (Summer Memories) was also introduced with my name together with the other person's. (End)


なにわのクルーズ・味・歌声 1 (Cruising, Eating and Singing in Osaka -1-)

 さる4日、妻と私は JR 西日本ジパング倶楽部による催し「歌声の集い・なにわの味・道頓堀クルーズ」に参加した。一行約200名は2隻の船に分乗し、天満橋の八軒家浜船着場を11時に出発(1枚目の写真は出発後間もなくの光景)。われわれは、甲板上にぎっしり腰かけてガイド氏の説明を聞く。船は、阪神高速1号環状線の下になっている東横堀川を南下する。間もなく、東横堀川水門を通る(2枚目の写真)。水位差を調節しながら進む水門の通過は、2009年にライン河・マイン河クルーズで経験したが、国内では初めての経験である。上大和橋を過ぎて右折し、道頓堀川へ入る(3枚目の写真は、道頓堀川両岸の眺め)。浮庭橋(4枚目の写真)を通過したところで少し逆戻りして、約1時間後、道頓堀の太左衛門橋船着場に到着した。(つづく)

On October 4, my wife and I joined the event of JR-West Zipang Club entitled "Dōtombori Cruise, Taste of Naniwa and Singing Together." A total of about 200 participants rode in two boats and started from Hakken'yahama port in Tenmabashi at 11:00. The top photo shows the scenery we saw shortly after departure. We were tightly seated on the deck and listened to the guide's explanation. The boats went towards south on the Higashi-yokobori River, over which Hanshin Expressway was hung, and soon passed through the sluice gate (the second photo). My wife and I experienced the passage through sluice gates in the cruise of the Main and Rhine Rivers in 2009, but we had our first experience in Japan this time. After passing through Kamiyamato Bridge, the boats turned to the right to enter the Dōtombori River (the third photo shows the landscape at both sides of this river) and finally passed through Ukiniwa Bridge (the fourth photo). Then the boats went a little back to arrive at the port of Tazaemon Bridge in Dōtombori. (To be continued)


ハナズオウの実 (The Fruits of Chinese Redbud)


Chinese redbud; botanical name, Cercis chinensis; family, Fabaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, September 29, 2011.


兼六園から香林坊へ 1 (From Kenroku Park to Kōrinbō -1-)

 金沢・兼六園の真弓坂口を出て左へ折れると、右手に金沢21世紀美術館がある(1枚目の写真)。個々の展示室がそれぞれ独立した立方体として円形の館内に配置されている斬新な設計は、妹島和世と西沢立衛 (SANAA, Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates) による。写真中央前方に写っている赤茶色の建物は、金沢市役所。

 真弓坂口を出たところで右斜め前方へ行く道は、金沢市役所の前を通って、まっすぐに繁華街の中心、香林坊に至る。その道には「百万石通り」の標識がある(百万石は、江戸時代にこの地を治めていた前田家が徳川将軍から得ていた国内最高の禄高である)。したがって、この直線部分(広坂通り)がそういう名に変ったのかと思っていた。しかし、ウィキペディアの記述 [1] によれば、広坂通りを含む「金沢市の中心市街地を取り巻く通り」が百万石通りである。広坂通りは街路樹の多い、心の和む道路である(2枚目の写真)。

  1. 「百万石通り」ウィキペディア, フリー百科事典 [2009年10月19日 (月) 12:33].

Going out from Mayumisaka gate of Kenroku Park, Kanazawa, and turning to the left, we see the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, on your right (see the top picture). Innovative design of the museum, which consists of a circular building containing separate cubic rooms, was made by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA, Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates). The reddish-brown building at the far center of the photo is Kanazawa City Hall.

Coming down from Mayumisaka gate, we also see a path going forward off to the right. This road passes in front of City Hall and leads to Kōrinbō, the center of the downtown Kanazawa. The road has the signpost of "Hyakuman-goku Street" (hyakuman-goku means one million kook, the highest income rank in the nation, which the governor of this district, Maeda clan, got from the Tokugawa shogunate in the Edo period). Therefore, I thought that the name of this straight road (Hirosaka Street) had been changed to that name. According to the description of Wikipedia (Japanese edition), "Hyakuman-goku Street" consists of plural streets, including Hirosaka Street, surrounding the center of Kanazawa. Hirosaka street is lined with many trees and calms down one's mind (see the bottom photo).


千住真理子 ヴァイオリン・リサイタル (Mariko Senju Violin Recital)

 昨日午後、堺市民会館大ホールで開催された「千住真理子 ヴァイオリン・リサイタル」を妻と聞きにいった。プログラムの第1部では、モーツァルトの「ヴァイオリン・ソナタ第28番ホ短調」と、フランクの「ヴァイオリン・ソナタ」が演奏された。第2部の初めにあった音楽評論家・日下部吉彦氏との対談では、12歳でデビューして以来、輝かしい道を歩んでいる千住真理子にも、20歳の頃ヴァイオリンを止めようと思ったことがあったという話を聞いた。名器ストラディバリウス「デュランティ」との運命的な出会いの話もあった。2人の兄君を借金が返せなくなった時の身代金に当てて購入したとか。第2部の演奏はラヴェルの「亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ」、フォーレの「夢のあとに」(これらは、元はヴァイオリン用の曲ではないという)ほか、小品5曲の演奏があった。アンコールに応えて、マスネの「タイスの瞑想曲」とエルガーの「愛のあいさつ」が演奏された。

Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I went to Sakai Civic Hall to listen to "Mariko Senju Violin Recital." In the first part of the program, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Violin Sonata No. 28 in E minor," and Cesar Frank's "Violin Sonata" were played. At the beginning of the second part of the program, the music critic Yoshihiko Kusakabe made an interview with Mariko Senju. We were told that even Senju, who had walked a brilliant course since her debut at age 12, once thought to stop playing violin in the age of about 20. She also talked about her fateful meeting with Stradivarius "Duranty." She told us that she had purchased it by making her two brothers "ransom" in the case when she would no longer be able to repay the debt. The performances in the second part of the program were five short works including Maurice Ravel's "Pavane for a Dead Princess" and Gabriel Fauré's "Après un rêve" (originally these were not music for violin). In response to the encore, Jules Massenet's "Meditation Thaïs" and Edward Elgar's "Greetings of Love" were played.


兼六園 2 (Kenroku Park -2-)





The name of the bridge in the far right on the first photo is "Yukimi-bashi (Snow-viewing Bridge)." Out to the left off the photo, there also are bridges of beautiful names, i.e., "Ganko-bashi (Flying-Geese Bridge)," "Tsukimi-bashi (Moon-viewing Bridge)" and "Niji-bashi (Rainbow Bridge)."

The second photo shows "Kasumi Pond" located near the center of Kenroku Park. Near the right edge of the photo, we see a two-legged, stone lantern by the name of Kotoji-tōrō, which often appears in tourism pictures as a symbol of this park. In my sixth year of elementary school, I was selected one of four pupils to draw pictures to leave the school for the commemoration of graduation, went to Kenroku Park and chose this place for sketching.

The third photo shows the fountain that is said to be the oldest in Japan. Water comes from Kasumi Pond and goes up by the natural water pressure. My elder brother, who died in the third grade of the elementary school, left an unfinished picture of this fountain drawn by crayons, so that this is a nostalgic scene, as well.

The fourth photo shows Ishikawa Gate of Kanazawa Castle. Two windows, which are usually visible on the front wall of the upper building of the gate, are not seen probably because of the reconstruction work being made. Ramparts extending at both sides of the gate were being hidden by covers for reconstruction. (End)


兼六園 1 (Kenroku Park -1-)




In the morning of the next day, September 28, of the reunion of junior high school, I visited Kenroku Park. I took a bus from Kanazawa Station to Dewa-machi and entered the park through an entrance at the side of Kodatsuno. In my senior high school days, I wrote a novel entitled "The star shining in the summer sky." At the beginning of the novel, the hero, Minoru, is painting a landscape of the park, and there are the following sentences:

A road extends foreword. The same extends also in Minoru's picture. The whitish road continues tinged here and there with shades of a color something between black, ocher and gray. Lined on the right are trees; some of them are twisted and some others stand upright. Also in Minoru's work, some are twisted and others stand upright. [...] A brick wall continues over there, and there is a teahouse in front of it. Minoru's artwork shows them as they are. A couple of young people is walking toward a pond. This, however, is not painted.

The top photo shows the landscape on which the above description was modeled. However, the brick wall is not so long as to be described to "continue," but we see instead a small remains of the wall. Further, no teahouse stands in front of it. It seems that I added some creations in these descriptions, or it might be that things have changed during the course of time. In any event, the story was written 58 years ago. The trees some of which were "twisted" and others of which stood "straight" must have significantly grown higher than at that time.

読まれたページ・ベスト10:2011年 9月末現在 (Top Ten Pages Viewed as of Sep 30, 2011)

 このブログサイトのよく読まれたページ・ベスト10を、「全期間」(プロバイダーが統計を取り始めた時から昨月末まで)と「月間」(最近の30日間)について、以下の表に示す。(「全期間」での同じ記事についての Views の数字が、一ヵ月前より減っている場合があり、数字はあまり正確でないと見るべきである。)

Top ten pages viewed of this blog site are shown in the tables below for "all time" (from the beginning of the start of taking statistics by the provider to the end of the last month) and "month" (the last 30 days). (Some posts now show a smaller number of views for "all time" than a month before, so that the numbers should be regarded to be not so accurate.)

全期間(2010年7月〜2011年9月) [All time (Jul 2010 – Sep 2011)]

Title Date Views
1 日本語文章においての段落概念の欠如 (The Lack of the Paragraph Structure in Japanese Writing) Jul 10, 2010 292
2 シーベルトとベクレルという単位 (Units of Sievert and Becquerel) Mar 21, 2011 183
3 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 1 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -1-) Jun 11, 2011 169
4 東北地方太平洋沖地震 (Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthqquake) Mar 12, 2011 140
5 文学者の原発責任に言及した文芸時評 (The Literary Review Referring to Literary Persons' Responsibility for Nuclear Accidents) Apr 27, 2011 111
6 福島原発の事故 (Accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant) Mar 13, 2011 110
7 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 2 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -2-) Jun 13, 2011 87
8 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 3 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -3-) Jun 17, 2011 85
9 『英国王のスピーチ』 ("The King's Speech") Apr 3, 2011 70
10 ムカゴトラノオ (Alpine Bistort) Aug 18, 2009 68

月間(2011年9月1日〜同年9月30日) [Month (Sep 1, 2011 – Sep 30, 2011) ]

Title Date Views
1 遅咲きアサガオ (Late Blooming Morning Glory) Sep 11, 2011 45
2 M・Y 君からの感想(2005年4月分)(In Japanese only) May 20, 2005 41
3 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 1 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -1-) Jun 11, 2011 40
4 素粒子間の力の例え (In Japanese only) Nov 30, 2006 29
5 「戦友」:太平洋戦争中に禁止された軍歌 ["Sen'yu (The Fellow Soldier)": The Martial Song Banned during World War II] Sep 8, 2011 27
6 水彩画:紅葉七分 (The Watercolor: Three Fourths Foliage in Autumn Colors) Sep 25, 2011 25
6 台風12号が去って (After Typhoon Talas) Sep 7, 2011 25
8 読まれたページ・ベスト10:2011年8月末現在 (Top Ten Pages Viewed as of Aug 31, 2011) Sep 1, 2011 22
9 ああ何ということ! (In Japanese only) May 22, 2005 21
9 ノカンゾウ (Hemerocallis fulva var. longitude) Sep 10, 2011 21