

金沢散策 2 (Strolling in Kanazawa -2-)



While walking along the left bank of the Asano River downstream to the first bridge from Asano-ōhashi Bridge, we find on our left the monument of Hiroyuki Itsuki's 1978 novel "Asano-gawa Boshoku (Dusk on the Asano River)" (the top photo), the monument of Kyoka Izumi's 1890 novel "Kechō" (the middle photo), and a garden named "Kazue-machi Ryokusui-en." The bulletin board in front of the garden had the following description:

This area has been called Kazue Town, popularly known as Chaya, since the Edo Period (1603–1867). This town was named after Kazue Toda, a Kaga Feudal Clan member who lived in the area. Still characteristic of many Japanese restaurants in the area, the wood barred doors and lattice windows are a reminder of this celebrated era. Kazue Town, which is situated near Mt. Utatsu and the Asano River, has been designated the Traditional Environment Preservation Area of Kanazawa. This garden was built to commemorate the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Kanazawa City. In order to preserve the historical sight, the garden, including a part of the inner moat of the former Kanazawa Castle, was designed in the style of "Chisen Kaiyū-shiki Teien (the garden with a walkway surrounding a pond)."

(To be continued)


金沢散策 1 (Strolling in Kanazawa -1-)

 石引町小同級会の翌々日、午前中に金沢の町を少し散策した。まず、「城下まち金沢周遊バス」を「ひがし茶屋街」で下車して、浅野川大橋を渡り、浅野川左岸沿いの道を下流側へ進む。堤防沿いには、大きな樹木が並び(1枚目の写真)、道の反対側には、和風の構えの飲み屋が並ぶ。主計町(かずえまち)というところである。作家の泉鏡花 (1873–1939) を記念した「鏡花のみち」というのは、浅野川大橋から二つ上流の天神橋の間だけをいうのかと思っていたが、主計町にも「鏡花のみち」の看板があった(2枚目の写真)。(つづく)

Two days after the reunion of the elementary school, I had a little of strolling in Kanazawa, in the morning. First, I got off the Kanazawa loop bus at Higashichaya-machi, crossed Asano-ōhashi Bridge, and walked the path along the left bank in the downstream direction of Asano River. Along the dyke, big trees stood (the upper photo); and on the other side of the road, bars of the Japanese-style building. The street name there is Kazue-machi. I supposed "Kyoka no michi (Kyoka's Street)" to commemorate the writer Kyoka Izumi (1873–1939) was between Asano-ōhashi Bridge and Tenjin Bridge (the second bridge from the former in the upstream direction) only. However, I found the sign board of "Kyoka no michi Street" even in Kazue-machi (the lower photo). (To be continued)


小学校同級会 (The Class Reunion of the Elementary School)

 8 月 25 日、旧金沢市立石引町小学校 6 年 2 組の同窓会に参加した。場所は、石川県能美郡の辰口温泉「たがわ龍泉閣」(写真はリーフレットから)だった。A 先生を初め、女性 8 名、男性 10 名が参加した。先生は今年始めに尻餅をついて腰を痛めて歩行が困難という状態ながら、頭はいたって達者でおられた。アメリカの大学で活躍していた I さんは神戸へ帰っているが、パーキンソン氏病のため欠席だった。彼女はそれでも、亡くなった妹さんの散骨に先月金沢へ来て、先生のところへ寄ったということだ。

 ドイツ語でクラッシックの歌を歌う合唱団に入って各国を歌い歩いているという元気な女性(旧姓 O さん)が、翌日地元で出演する予定が入って早く帰ることになり、その前に彼女のリードで皆で何か歌を歌おうということになった。私は先生を讃えるために「仰げば尊し」を提案し、それが採用になった。続いて彼女の案で「花(隅田川)」を歌ったが、彼女自身、2 番の歌詞を途中で間違えて、そこで終わりとなった。「花」は私の愛唱歌の一つであり、私が彼女からマイクを貰って続きをリードすればよかったのだが、...。各人それぞれの 75~76 年を生きて、皆、立派になっているという思いを抱いた夕べだった。

 翌日、私はさる 5 月に続いて、再度 S 君宅を訪れ、ご母堂にもお目にかかった。昼食をご馳走になり、私の本 "Passage through Spacetime" の内容紹介などを話して、夕方近くまでお邪魔した。

On August 25, I attended the reunion of our class in Kanazawa Ishibiki-cho Elementary School. The location of the meeting was Tagawa Ryusenkaku of Tatsunokuchi Spa, Ishikawa Prefecture (see the above photo taken from the leaflet). Participants were our teacher Mr. A, eight women and ten men. Mr. A had difficulty walking because of his hip injury gotten early this year but mentally was quite well. Haruko, who worked at universities in U. S.and now lives in Kobe, did not come because of Parkinson's disease. However, we heard that she visited Mr. A on the opportunity of coming to Kanazawa for scattering her sister's ashes.

Kazuko has become an active woman and is a member of a choir to sing classic songs in German by visiting different countries. She had to go back early for the next day's local performance, so that we wanted to sing some songs with her before she went back. I proposed to sing "Aogeba tōtoshi" to praise Mr. A, and the proposal was adopted (this is a song sung at graduation ceremonies in Japan in the days before 1960s). Next, we sang "Flower (Sumida River)" according to Kazuko's opinion, but she made a mistake in singing the second part of the lyric, our singing coming to the end there. I should have gotten the microphone from her to continue the rest, because "Flower" was one of my favorite song. — I felt that each one, living the life of 75 or 76 years, has become a decent person.

The next day, I went to Takashi's to see also his mother again following my visit in May. I got a feast of lunch and talked with Takashi about the contents of my book "Passage through Spacetime", etc. until late afternoon.


水彩画:住吉公園の潮掛道 (The Watercolor: Shiokake Road in Sumiyoshi Park)

 先に掲載した写真(2011年6月27日付け「住吉公園」の1枚目)を参考に、今秋の美交会展に出す水彩画の一枚を仕上げた(完成は8月22日)。透明水彩絵具と、ホルベイン「ウォーターフォード・ホワイト」水彩紙 F6 (410×318 mm) を使用した。デッサン段階の絵の写真も合わせて掲載する。左手の大きな木の幹や敷石道に見られる木もれ日を面白いと思い、それらをやや強調した。最近は黒の絵具をかなり多用しているが、出来上がった絵を写真と並べて見ると、絵はずいぶん明るい。写真ほどの暗さに描くにはどれほどの黒絵具を要するだろう。

By reference to one of photos of Sumiyoshi Park I posted earlier (the top one), I completed a watercolor on August 22. It is to be presented at Bikokai Exhibition this autumn. Transparent watercolors and a F6-size (410 × 318 mm) piece of Holbein's "Water Ford White" watercolor paper were used. The image of the drawing at the time of rough sketch is also shown. In the photo, round, bright spots, made by the sunlight filtering through the trees, were seen on the trunk of the large tree at the left side as well as on the path paved with stone. I thought those spots interesting, so that I stressed them to some extent. I use quite a lot of black paint recently. Comparing the photo with the finished drawing alongside, however, I find the latter much brighter. I wonder how much black paint would be required to make the watercolor as dark as the photo.


ケイトウ (Plumed Cockscomb)


Plumed cockscomb; botanical name, Celosia argentea; family, Amaranthaceae. The photo was taken in Kasaike Park, Sakai, on August 24, 2011. The flowers were not fully open yet, but two moths of the kind that probably likes these flowers were already on them to suck nectar.


アブラゼミ (Large Brown Cicada)


Large brown cicada; zoological name, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata; family, Cicadidae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on August 23, 2011.


ヤマハギ (Shrub Lespedeza)


Shrub lespedeza; botanical name, Lespedeza bicolor; family, Fabaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on August 17, 2011.


二つの美術館へのバス旅行 3 (The Bus Trip to Two Museums of Art -3-)

Photos: Top, the side view of Nagoya City Art Museum, which had been designed by Kisho Kurokawa Architect & Associates; middle and bottom, the landscapes in Shiga Prefecture as seen from the bus window on our way back to Osaka. (The main text is in Japanese only.)

 われわれがバス旅行で訪れた美術館のうち、豊田市美術館は谷口吉生、そして名古屋市美術館は黒川紀章がそれぞれ主宰する事務所で設計されたものであり、建物自体も大いに鑑賞に値した。しかし、訪問時にはあいにくの小雨で、写真を撮ることが出来たのは、後者の側面の一部だけであった(1枚目の写真)。名古屋市美術館で観覧を終えたのは、予定より遅く、閉館時間の午後5時だったが、帰途のバスは夕闇の迫る中を交通渋滞にも会うことなくスムーズに走った。滋賀県に入った頃、車窓からは、雨上がりの山あいに霧が立ちこめた優雅な風景が眺められた(2、3枚目の写真)。JR 大阪駅への帰着は午後8時だった。


二つの美術館へのバス旅行 2 (The Bus Trip to Two Museums of Art -2-)

Abstract: The second museum we visited on August 20 was Nagoya City Art Museum. There, we saw the show "Rembrandt: The Quest for Chiaroscuro." In cooperation with the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam, this exhibition presents 93 of the artist’s prints and 11 of his paintings to illustrate his fascination with and dedication to light and shadow. I especially enjoyed looking at "Minerva in her study," "Hendrickje Stoffels," "Artist in his studio," etc. (The main text is in Japanese only.)




二つの美術館へのバス旅行 1 (The Bus Trip to Two Museums of Art -1-)

Abstract: The day before yesterday, my wife and I joined a bus trip to two museums of arts. First we had Western-style lunch at a restaurant in Meitetsu Toyota Hotel, and visited Toyota Municipal Museum of Art to see the exhibition 'Vermeer's "Geographer": The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Städel Museum.' There were a total of 95 paintings including "Geographer," and we enjoyed them immensely. (The main text is in Japanese only.)

 一昨日、妻と私は A 社催行のバス旅行で豊田市美術館と名古屋市美術館を訪れた。まず、名鉄トヨタホテルで洋ランチを食し、前者の美術館で「フェルメール 《地理学者》 とオランダ・フランドル絵画展」を見た。フェルメールは窓から差し込む光の中での人物像をよく描いており、「光の画家」と呼ばれている。今回展示されている「地理学者」でも、学者の顔や衣装を初め、壁、床、机の手前の織物などにも柔らかな光が当たっている。フェルメールの絵のもう一つの特徴である「フェルメール・ブルー」と呼ばれる深い青色(ラピスラズリという高価な宝石を粉にして絵具にして塗った)も、学者の衣装に使われている。その衣装は当時オランダで流行した日本の着物(ヤポンス・ロック)である。なお、30数点しか現存しないフェルメールの作品の中でも、男性単身像を描いた作品はこの「地理学者」を含む2点しかないそうである。



ブッソウゲ (Chinese Hibiscus)


Chinese hibiscus, also known as China rose and shoe flower; botanical name, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; family, Malvaceae. The photo was taken in our yard, August 9, 2011. We grow this plant in a pot, and it did not bloom last year. However, two flowers bloomed this summer, indicating that the plant was still well.


モミジアオイ (Brilliant Hibiscus)


Brilliant hibiscus, scarlet hibiscus or scarlet rose mallow; botanical name, Hibiscus coccineus; family, Malvaceae. The photo was taken in our yard, August 7, 2011.


わが家のカンナ (Canna Flowers in Our Yard)


Canna, also known as canna lily or Indian shot; botanical name, Canna × generals; family, Cannaceae. The photo was taken on August 6, 2011.


2011年7月分記事へのエム・ワイ君の感想 (M.Y's Comments on the Posts of July 2011)

[In Japanese only]

 M・Y 君から "Ted's Coffeehouse 2" 2011年7月分への感想を2011年8月17日付けで貰った。同君の了承を得て、ここに紹介する。青色の文字をクリックすると、言及されている記事が別ウインドウに開く。

1. 壮年の日の反逆:住民運動擁護の弁 1~3



 所長が原子力発電のささいな事故を大事故のように言いふらす人たちがいると書かれた「原子力アレルギー」についての筆者の反論に、関電美浜原発一号炉の蒸気発生器細管の漏れと東電福島原発一号炉の1年半使用での大量の破損事故が上げられています。前者は、水質条件の改善と細管の取換え、後者は燃料製造工程の改善と燃料設計の改良研究により解決されました。「軽水炉の改良標準化計画」が官民協力して開始され、1996から東電柏崎6号機に採用されました。このような経過をたどり、わが国の原子炉技術は世界的レベルに達したとして、安全神話が生まれました。2011年3月31日付け朝日紙によると、米国研究機関が1981~82年に東電福島第一発電所と同系のマーク I 型の原子炉について、シミュレーションを行い、今回の福島炉と同様な事故シナリオを示した報告書を米国原子力規制委員会(NRC)に提出していることがわかりました。NRCはこれを安全規制に活用しましたが、原子力安全委員会は90年、原発の安全設計指針を決定した際、「長期にわたる全交流電源喪失は、送電線の復旧又は非常用交流電源設備の復旧が期待できるので考慮する必要はない」とする方針を示したとのことです。このように重大事故の規制に関して判断の甘さのあったことが災いし、今回の1000年に一度といわれる大津波によって、あえなく原子炉の安全性が崩壊してしまいました。



私のウェブサイトへの訪問者延べ20万 (200,000 Visits to My Web Site)

 昨日、私の仮想研究所 IDEA & ISAAC の主ウェブサイトへの延べ訪問者数が20万に達した。このウェブサイトは1999年12月2日にスタートしたものである。最近は主にブログサイトに書いているので、IDEA & ISAAC のウェブサイトはあまり更新していないのだが…。

Yesterday, the number of visits to the main Web site of my virtual institute, IDEA & ISAAC, reached 200,000. The site started on December 2, 1999. These days, I am writing primarily at blog sites, so that I do not update the IDEA & ISAAC Web site so often.


ツバキの実 (Fruits of Camellia)


Botanical name, Camellia japonica; family, Theaceae. The photo was taken in Nakanoike Park, Sakai, August 1, 2011.


夏木立 (The Grove in Summer)


This grove in Hattaso Park, Sakai, gives a particular view depending on each season, so that I like to stay here for a while to look around during my walking exercise.


異常に早い紅葉 (Abnormally Early Autumn Color)


Yesterday (August 14, 2011), the upper part of one of Japanese maple trees was already showing an autumn color in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai. I wonder what was the cause of this abnormality.


仏教と神道での供養の相違 (Differences in the Memorial Service between Buddhism and Shinto)

 8月11日付け記事に関連して、物の供養について仏教と神道とでは意味合いが違うのかとの疑問がコメント欄に寄せられた。そこで、供養の基本である先祖供養について、仏教と神道での考え方の相違を、インターネットで探ってみた。得られた記述 [1, 2] を簡潔にまとめると次のようになる。




In a comment to my blog post dated August 11, the question was raised if there were any difference between the memorial service for things in Buddhism and that in Shinto. So, I have studied by the Internet possible differences related to the basic memorial service, i.e., the memorial service for ancestors.

As for Buddhism, Indian Buddhism does not teach about the memorial service for ancestors, but in Japanese Buddhism, which is a mixture of Confucianism, tribal religions and Indian Buddhism, they acknowledge the existence of the soul after death, and the memorial service for ancestors are made by thinking about their soul through the statue of Buddha (or Buddha himself). The significance of the service is considered to be in their attitude of "living as they are" by thanking their rebirth in this world (the thought of reincarnation of Indian Buddhism) and being grateful to their ancestors and people around them, i.e., the attitude that gives pleasure to their ancestors in another world.

In Shinto, on the other hand, it is considered that, when one dies, one's God spirit in one's body escapes from the body and enter tamaya, made of natural wood, to dwell there. People think about ancestors through tamashiro. Thamashiro is also made of natural wood in order to represent the God spirit and is set in tamaya. In this memorial service, people expect that the God spirit looks after them with a warm heart.

From these descriptions, differences in the memorial service between Japanese Buddhism and Shinto can be supposed as follows: In the former, our relationship to the object of the memorial service is indirect (thinking is made through Buddha) and active (we give pleasure to the object). Contrary to this, our relationship to the object of the memorial service in Shinto is direct (thinking is made through tamashiro that represents the object's spirit) and passive (we expect to get the bless from the object's spirit). There is the Japanese proverb, "Kurushii toki no kami danomi," (Man turns to God only in trouble). However, we do not hear the words "hotoke danomi" (Man turns to Buddha). This seems to be consistent with the passiveness in Shinto. — Here I presented a rapid and simplified conclusion derived from relatively short descriptions. So, I should be grateful if someone could tell me about a more detailed and accurate comparison.


  1. 先祖供養と仏教 イン ジャパン, Blog post by カズコ (2007年3月21日).

  2. 神道のご先祖供養について, みす平總卸店 Web page.

クマゼミ (Cryptotympana facialis)


Zoological name, Cryptotympana facialis; family, Cicadidae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on July 28, 2011.


一見ヒマワリ畑 (Sunflower Field At First Glance)


On July 27, I went to Sakai Nishi Ward Office and found a lot of sunflower pots in front of the office building. At first glance, it seemed as if there were a sunflower field.


マツバボタン (Moss-rose Purslane)


Moss-rose purslane or moss-rose; botanical name, Portulaca grandiflora; family, Portulacaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, July 24, 2011.


天神祭本宮の日に (On the Culmination of Tenjin Festival)

 さる7月25日、帝国ホテル大阪1階ロビーラウンジ「ザ・パーク」で、スウェーデンから来日して京都に滞在中の C さん夫妻とその幼い息子さんに会い、楽しいひと時を過ごした。当日は天神祭の本宮の日で、夕方から花火が打ち上げられるのを見ようと、ホテル周辺の大阪アメニティーパークは、午後の早いうちから人出が多かった。写真は帰途、源八橋から祭りの雰囲気が漂う大川の両岸を撮ったもの(2枚目は1枚目のすぐ右に続く)。

 芸術を通しての社会運動の研究をしている C・C さんに、私は1960年代に盛んだった「うたごえ運動」や戦争中に弾圧を受けた演劇運動のことを少し話したが、知識が不足だったので、後日メールで関連のウェブサイトなどを知らせた。彼からは、「野戦之月」という演劇グループのことなどを教えて貰った。彼が京都の粟嶋堂で見た人形供養について記したブログ記事も面白く、「他の愛用品とはどういう別れをするのだろうか」という文末の疑問に応えて、私は思いつくだけの品々についての供養をコメント欄に記した。

On July 25, I had a lovely time in the lobby lounge "The Park" of the Imperial Hotel Osaka by meeting Mr. and Ms. C. and their infant son, who had come from Sweden and were staying in Kyoto. It was the culmination of Tenjin Festival that day, and Osaka Amenity Park around the hotel were pretty crowded from the early afternoon with people coming to see the evening fireworks. The above photos show the view, as seen from Genpachi Bridge, around Okawa River filled with the mood of festival (the lower photo shows the landscape just to the right of the upper one).

Mr. C. is studying about social movements by means of arts. So I told him a little bit about utagoe-undo (the song movement) most active in the 1960th and theater movements suppressed by the Government during the World War II. However, I lacked detailed knowledge, so that I wrote him later about more about those by email with the citations of some Web sites. He told me about the theatrical troupe Yasen no tsuki. I also enjoyed his blog post on ningyō kuyō (memorial service for dolls) about which he learned at Awashimadō Temple in Kyoto. He wrote at the end of the post, "How do people part with other things they have loved?" In reply to this, I listed kuyō for different things I thought of in the comment column.


タカネヤハズハハコ (Anaphalis alpicola Makino)


Botanical name, Anaphalis alpicola Makino; family, Asteraceae. The photo was taken by my wife on her way to Mt. Okuhijiri after climbing Mt. Hijiri, July 24, 2011.


ウラジロキンバイ (Snow Cinquefoil)


Snow cinquefoil; botanical name, Potentilla nivea var. nipponicus; family, Rosaceae). The photo was taken by my wife on her way to Mt. Hijiri, July 23, 2011.

 お知らせ (Notice) この記事は最初「ミヤマキンポウゲ」と題していたが、コメント欄で「おそらくウラジロキンバイである」と指摘され、題名、本文ともに訂正した。ご指摘に厚く感謝する。(This post was originally entitled "Meadow Buttercup." However, a commentator suggested that this was probably snow cinquefoil. So, the title and the text were revised. I am grateful to the commentator for the kind suggestion.)


ウェスティ・ワンコイン・コンサート (One-Coin Concert at Westy)

 昨日午後、近くの堺市立西文化会館(ウェスティホール)で開催されたワンコイン・コンサートを妻と聞きに行った。私は一昨年から、このコンサートを毎夏聞いている。出演はいつもの、シズエ & オサム・ショパンスキ・オガタとその娘たち、小片ルミ & 島田ユミからなるファミリー・ピアノ・アンサンブル "OZ"。夏休みの子ども向けのコンサートだが、客席には私のような高齢男性もちらほら見かけた。

 プログラムの中に「みんなで歌いましょう」というのがあり、「みかんの花咲く丘」と「うみ」を全員で歌った(後者は2回)。加藤省吾作詞、海沼実作曲の前者の歌は、ミカンの花が咲く季節は5月頃だが、発表されたのは8月であり、海に関係した歌詞もあるので選んだということだった。演奏する曲(ベートーベンの交響曲「運命」第一楽章の他、多数)についての解説もあり、大いに楽しめるコンサートだった。配られた「みんなで歌いましょう」の歌詞を見て、開演前に一人の女の子が ♪ウーミーワー ヒロイーナー オオキイーナー …♪ と可愛らしい声を高らかに上げて歌っていたのも印象的だった。

Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I went to Sakai West Culture Center (Westy Hall) to listen to "One-Coin Concert" (the name "One-Coin" comes from its fee of 500 yen, which can be paid by a single coin). I attended this show since two years ago. The performers were Shizue and Osam Chopin-ski Ogata, joined by their daughters Rumi Ogata and Yumi shimada. These four members constitute a family piano ensemble "OZ." This is a summer concert suitable for children, but I found some elderly men like me among the audience.

One of the elements of the program was "Let's sing together," in which we all sang "Mikan no hana saki oak (The hill with orange blossoms)" and "Umi (The sea)" (the latter, twice). Orange blossoms bloom in May. However, the former song (lyrics by Shogo Kato lyrics and song composition by Minoru Kainuma) was chosen because it was released in August and because the lyrics include the scenery of the sea. We also enjoyed the explanation of the music played (the first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 and many other numbers). It was also impressive that before the concert began, a little girl had sung "Umi" in a lovely and well-sounding voice, ♪Ūmīwā hiroīnā o-okiīnā …♪

イワブクロ (Penstemon frutescens)


Botanical name, Penstemon frutescens; family, Scrophulariaceae. The photo was taken by my wife on her way to Mt. Hijiri, July 23, 2011.


タカネコウリンカ (Senecio takedanus)

 タカネコウリンカ(高嶺高輪花、キク科の高山植物)。2011年7月23日、妻が聖岳への途中で撮影。なお、彼女の聖岳登頂記がきょうの A 紙「旅行・山行・ハイキング」欄に掲載された(下のイメージ)。

Botanical name, Senecio takedanus; family, Asteraceae. The photo was taken by my wife on Mt. Hijiri, July 23, 2011. By he way, her short essay on climbing Mt. Hijiri appeared on a newspaper of today (the image below).


クロユリ (Kamchatka Fritillary)

 クロユリ(黒百合、ユリ科の高山植物)、別称はブラックサレナ、エゾクロユリ(蝦夷黒百合)。妻が2011年7月24日、聖岳(標高 3013 m)登頂後、奥聖岳へ向う途中の花畑の傍らで撮影。彼女はこの時の聖岳登頂で、深田久弥が選定した日本百名山全山の登頂を達成した。

Kamchatka fritillary or Kamchatka lily, also known as chocolate lily; botanical name, Fritillaria camtschatcensis; family, Liliaceae. My wife took this photo by the flower field on the route to Mt. Okuhijiri after climbing Mt. Hijiri (3013 meters tall), July 24, 2011. By the climbing of this time, she achieved to conquer all of the best one hundred mountains of Japan selected by Kyuya Fukada.


サルスベリ (Crape-myrtle)


Crape-myrtle; botanical name, Lagerstroemia indica; family, Lythraceae. The photo was taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, and other places on my way of walking exercise, July 23, 27 and August 4, 2011.


びわこゆり園へのバス旅行 4-2:ユリいろいろ (Bus Trip to Biwako-yurien: 4-2. Different Species of Lily)

 ゆり園を見たあと、バスは一路、大阪へ。たいした交通渋滞はなく、予定よりかなり早く、午後6時半過ぎに梅田へ帰着した。私たちは H デパートで贈り物発送の依頼をしてから、午後8時過ぎに帰宅。

After the visit to Lily Garden, our bus took the road back to Osaka. There was not so many traffic jams, so that we came back to Umeda a little after 6:30 pm, which was much earlier than the schedule. My wife and I then ordered sending of some gifts at H department store and arrived home shortly after 8:00 pm.


びわこゆり園へのバス旅行 4-1:ユリいろいろ (Bus Trip to Biwako-yurien: 4-1. Different Species of Lily)

 ゆり園のリーフレットには、12 mm × 12 mm の小さな写真で、54種にもおよぶユリの品種が掲載してあり、撮影した写真の花の品種名を同定することは困難である。

In the leaflet of Lily Garden, 54 pieces of small photos of 12 mm × 12 mm are given to illustrate the lily species we can see there. Thus, it is difficult to identify the names of the species of which I took pictures.


びわこゆり園へのバス旅行 3:ゆり園風景 (Bus Trip to Biwako-yurien: 3. The Scenery of Lily Garden)



After lunch, our bus went toward "Biwako Hakodateyama Yurien (Lily Garden on Mt. Hakodate by the Lake Biwa)," in the city of Takashima. We arrived at the parking lot at the foot of the mountain a little past 2:30 pm. The trip leader repeatedly told us the time for us to come back to the bus after viewing the Garden, "4:10, 4:10, 4:10, . . ." in order that we did not forget the time.

We took the gondola that ran a distance of 1323 meters to go up to the summit station at 627 meters above sea level, where it was slightly cooler than the ground. From there, we walked slowly between the large flowerbeds of lilies. We heard that it rained there in the morning, but upon our arrival, it was fortunately sunny. The top photo shows the landscape of the Garden with the Lake Biwa beyond; the middle photo, flowerbeds representing the specialty of Takashima, i.e., the ribs of a fan; the bottom photo, the flowerbed of white lilies. (Close-up pictures of lilies of different colors will be posted on the coming days.)


読まれたページ・ベスト10:2011年7月末現在 (Top Ten Pages Viewed as of Jul 31, 2011)

 このブログサイトのよく読まれたページ・ベスト10を、「全期間」(プロバイダーが統計を取り始めた時から昨月末まで)と「月間」(最近の30日間)について、以下の表に示す。(「全期間」での同じ記事についての Views の数字が、一ヵ月前より減っているのがいくつもあり、統計の正確さが、いささか疑問である。)

Top ten pages viewed of this blog site are shown in the tables below for "all time" (from the beginning of the start of taking statistics by the provider to the end of the last month) and "month" (the last 30 days). (Some posts now show a smaller number of views for "all time" than a month before, so that the accuracy of the statistics seems not to be highly reliable.)

全期間(2010年7月〜2011年7月) [All time (Jul 2010 – Jul 2011)]

Title Date Views
1 日本語文章においての段落概念の欠如 (The Lack of the Paragraph Structure in Japanese Writing) Jul 10, 2010 289
2 シーベルトとベクレルという単位 (Units of Sievert and Becquerel) Mar 21, 2011 187
3 東北地方太平洋沖地震 (Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthqquake) Mar 12, 2011 134
4 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 1 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -1-) Jun 11, 2011 133
5 キンシバイ、ビヨウヤナギ (In Japanese only) Jun 9, 2009 131
6 文学者の原発責任に言及した文芸時評 (The Literary Review Referring to Literary Persons' Responsibility for Nuclear Accidents) Apr 27, 2011 121
7 福島原発の事故 (Accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant) Mar 13, 2011 108
8 ムカゴトラノオ (Alpine Bistort) Aug 18, 2009 72
9 『チェルノブイリ:百万人の犠牲者』 ("Chernobyl: A Million Casualties" Mar 30, 2011 71
9 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 2 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -2-) Jun 13, 2011 71

月間(2011年7月2日〜同年7月31日) [Month (Jul 2, 2011 – Jul 31, 2011) ]

Title Date Views
1 「日本国憲法第9条について論ぜよ」 (In Japanese only) Nov 22, 2004 62
2 「美しき水車小屋の娘」の歌詞を見る (Browsing the Lyrics of "Die schöne Müllerin") Jun 12, 2011 31
3 原発計画に関する湯川博士の言葉 1 (Hideki Yukawa's Words about Nuclear Power Development -1-) Jun 11, 2011 30
4 ハマユウ (Poison Bulb) Jul 27, 2011 25
5 ピンク色のムクゲ (Pink-Colored Rose of Sharon) Jul 22, 2011 24
6 ドレスデン国立美術館展 (In Japanese only) May 5, 2005 23
6 ヒメクチナシ (Bush Gardenia) Jul 5, 2011 23
8 「やけくその救済案」:パウリのニュートリノ説 (1) (In Japanese only) May 7, 2009 22
9 コブシの実 (Fruits of Kobushi Magnolia) Jul 30, 2011 21
9 クルマバツクバネソウ (Paris verticillata) Jul 10, 2011 21

びわこゆり園へのバス旅行 2:「中間子亭」で昼食 (Bus Trip to Biwako-yurien: 2. Lunch at "Meson")

 バス旅行の昼食は、大津市北比良の里山フレンチレストラン「オーベルジュ・メソン」で、魚のランチコース。添乗員から昼食の場所を「メソン」と聞いたとき、オーベルジュ(Auberge)が、主に郊外や地方にある宿泊設備を備えたレストランを意味するフランス語であることから、家を意味するフランス語の「メゾン」のいい間違えだろうと思った。しかし、敷地入り口の看板には "Meson" とあった(1枚目の写真)。

 Meson とは、湯川秀樹が存在を予想した中間子に対して初期に与えられた名前の一つである。 フランス語の「メゾン」ならば、その綴りは Maison である。設立者は湯川博士や中間子を思い浮かべて Meson と名づけたのだろうか。あるいは maison をローマ字綴り的表記で固有名詞化して、Meson としたのだろうか。いずれにしても、この店の名を和訳すれば、「中間子亭」となろう。


In the bus trip of July 30, we had lunch at the auberge named "Meson" in Kitahira, Otsu (the top photo shows the signboard of the auberge). Meson is one of the earlier name given to the particle whose existence was theoretically predicted by the Nobel-prize winning physicist Hideki Yukawa. While we had lunch, it became raining, and the view of the garden of the auberge increased its attractiveness (the middle photo). "Meson" provides not only lunches and dinners but also the place of the entire wedding event consisting of a ceremony, a party and staying for a night (the bottom photo shows the lodge for a newly married couple).