My gouache painting, "Mt. Haku" 上掲のイメージは、堺市内で毎年開催されている美術展「美交会展」の本年度展(2003年5月30日〜6月4日)に出品した不透明水彩画である。白山は、石川県出身者には親しみのある山で、私の出身高校である旧・石川県立金沢菫台高校(現・石川県立金沢商業高校)の校歌2番1行に「朝日に映ゆる白山や」と詠まれてもいる。しかし、私自身は近くまで行ったこともない。描くに当たっては、『最新版週刊日本百名山No.44』(朝日新聞出版、2008年)の表紙写真(吉澤康暢氏による)を参考にした。その説明によれば、大汝峰から南東に剣ヶ峰(左手前、直下に翠ヶ池を擁する)と主峰・御前峰(右奥)を望む風景である。方角や陰影から、まさに「朝日に映ゆる白山」と分かる。写真をコンピューター加工したものを真似る手法を使い、元の写真より大幅に明るく描いた。
This is a gouache painting, "Mt. Haku," which I presented at this year's art exhibition of "Bikokaiten," which we have annually in Sakai City. Mt. Haku is a mountain that people from Ishikawa Prefecture are familiar with. The school song of the former Shikindai Senior High School (presently Ishikawa Prefectural Kanazawa Commercial High School), which I graduated from, includes the phrase "Mt. Haku shining in the morning sun." But I've never been anywhere near it myself. When drawing, I referred to the cover photo (by Yasunobu Yoshizawa) of "100 Famous Mountains in Japan Weekly, Latest Edition, No. 44" (Asahi Shimbun Publishing, 2008). According to the explanation attached to the photo, it is a view from Ōnanjimine to the southeast, namely, Kengamine (front left, with Midorigaike Pond directly below) and the highest peak, Gozengamine (back right). From the direction of the view and shadows, we find that the scenery is just "Mt. Haku shining in the morning sun." Using the technique of mimicking a computer-modified version of the photo, I made the painting significantly brighter than the original photo.