
桜桜…花ざかり (Cherry Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms, ... in Full Bloom)

 上の写真は、4 月 1 日にわが家の近くで撮影したもの(4 月 2 日から 4 日まで上京していたので、掲載が遅れた)。1 枚目は西図書館前のサクラのトンネル。2 枚目は鳳公園に昨年植えられたばかりの若いサクラの並木。3 枚目は同公園のシダレザクラ。4 枚目は鳳南町ツボスミレ公園のオオシマザクラ。これらのサクラを見歩いていたら、ふと「桜」という歌が思い出された。
桜 桜
桜 桜

The photos above were taken in the vicinity of my home on April 1 (Because I had been to Tokyo from April 2 to 4, posting of them was delayed). The top piece shows the cherry tunnel in front of West Library; the second, lines of young cherry trees just planted last year in Ōtori Park; the third, weeping cherry in the same park; and fourth, Oshima cherry in Tsubosumire Park, Ōtoriminami-machi. While I walked looking at these cherry blossoms, the song entitled Sakura (Cherry blossoms) suddenly came into my mind.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
In the near hills and mountains
As far as we can see.
Is it a mist or cloud?
Fragrant in the morning sun.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
Flowers in full bloom.
You can listen to the melody of this song here (the above lyrics were also taken from that Web page).

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