写真は上から、トサミズキ、スノードロップ、サクラソウ、ピンクがかったユキヤナギ(以上、鈴の宮団地で)、ハクモクレン(笠池公園で)、2016 年 3 月 16 日撮影。
Photos were taken in Suzunomiya Housing Complex (except for the last one) and Kasaike Park, Sakai, on March 15, 2016, and show, from top to bottom, winter hazel (Corylopsis spicata), snowdrop, primrose, Thunberg's meadowsweet with pinkish blossoms, and Yulan magnolia.
Photos were taken in Suzunomiya Housing Complex (except for the last one) and Kasaike Park, Sakai, on March 15, 2016, and show, from top to bottom, winter hazel (Corylopsis spicata), snowdrop, primrose, Thunberg's meadowsweet with pinkish blossoms, and Yulan magnolia.
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