Yesterday it was very fine, consecutively from the day before yesterday (a rare phenomenon in these days). Went to Daisen Park in the morning by train (two blocks from here). This is not the season of any flower but green leaves were enjoyable. In the Japanese garden of the park, there were only a small number of visitors and I took some pictures in the stillness (the first photo is one of those). Rabbit-ear irises will soon come to full bloom there (the second photo).
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
Copyright © 2001-2022 by Tatsuo Tabata
大仙公園の日本庭園 (The Japanese Garden of Daisen Park)
バラ「ピース」 (Peace Rose)
20世紀モダーン・ガーデンローズを代表するバラ。世界バラ会連合が選ぶ『バラの殿堂』に最初に選ばれている。第2次世界大戦終結の年に発表されたことにちなんで『ピース』と名づけられた。フランス名は、作出者の母親の名にちなんで,'Mme.A. Meilland' と名づけられている。その豪華な花姿、微妙にピンクをおびた黄色の花色、それに対比する濃いグリーンの照りのある葉、そしてしっかりとした枝をもち、それ以前のバラと比べ、傑出しており、これ以降のバラのスタンダードとなった。
After some cloudy and rainy days, it at last became fine yesterday. Went to the rose garden of Hamadera Park. It is at the distance of one-block ride on railway plus a little walk from here. The first photo shows the zone named "mountain scenery" of the garden; and the second, the Peace rose. Each time I visit there I take the picture of this cultivar. This time I found an explanatory board, the words from which are quoted above in the Japanese version of this blog. Part of the explanation in Wikipedia [1] is quoted below.
The Peace rose is the most famous and successful garden rose of all time. [. . .] The name "Peace" is a trade name; its formal cultivar name is Rosa 'Madame A. Meilland'. The adoption of the trade name "Peace" was publicly announced in the United States on 29 April 1945 by the introducers, Messrs Conard Pyle Co. This was the very day that Berlin fell, officially considered the end of the Second World War in Europe. Later that year Peace roses were given to each of the delegations at the inaugural meeting of the United Nations in San Francisco, each with a note which read: "We hope the 'Peace' rose will influence men’s thoughts for everlasting world peace".
"Rosa 'Peace'," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (25 April 2010 at 19:42).
ゲラニウム (Cranesbills)
Cranesbills (botanical name Geranium) is a genus belonging to the family Geraniaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 13, 2010.
ホシギキョウ (Serbian Bellflower)
Serbian bellflower (botanical name Campanula poscharskyana) belongs to the family Campanulaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 11, 2010.
アリウム (Allium)
Allium is the onion genus, with many species, and belongs to the family Alliaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 11, 2010.
シシリンチウム・イエローストーン (Sisyrinchium californium 'Yellowstone')
Sisyrinchium californium 'Yellowstone' belongs to the family Iridaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 11, 2010.
「『ふと思い当たった』の謎」への答え (Abstract in Japanese)
2010年4月分記事へのエム・ワイ君の感想 (M.Y.'s Comments on April-2010 Articles)
M.Y. 君から "Ted's Coffeehouse 2" 2010年4月分への感想を5月24日づけで貰った。同君の了承を得て、ここに紹介する。青色の文字をクリックすると、言及されている記事が別ウインドウに開く。
1. 「街頭で名を叫んだ日に:井上ひさしさんを悼む」
2. 「竹田城跡と立雲峡へのバス旅行」
「立雲峡は朝来山(756 m)の中腹にあり、サクラの木の種類が多く、長期にわたって開花を楽しめる。」「朝来山の近くの小さな山には、ふもとから中腹にかけて、サクラが華やいだ色を呈している。こういう状況を「山笑う」というのであろう。」
シロツメクサ (White Clover)
White clover (botanical name Trifolium repens) is a species of clover, which belongs to the family Fabaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on May 9, 2010.
イロハモミジの種子 (The Seeds of Japanese Maple)
Japanese maple or smooth Japanese maple (botanical name Acer palmatum) belongs to the family Sapindaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on May 9, 2010.
キリ (Empress Tree)
Empress tree (also known as princess tree or foxglove tree; botanical name Paulownia tomentosa) belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae or Paulowniaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking on May 9, 2010.
ウキツリボク (Trailing Abutilon)
Trailing Abutilon (botanical name Abutilon megapotamicum) belongs to the family Malvaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 4, 2010. Until last year, I used to take photo of this flower in the yard of other houses during the time of walking; but we planted a seedling in our yard last autumn. It is still young, so that we see only a small number of flowers.
ムラサキツユクサ (Ohio Spiderwort)
Ohio spiderwort (botanical name Tradescantia ohiensis) belongs to the family Commelinaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 19 (the upper and the middle) and May 4, 2010.
タツナミソウ (Skullcaps)
Skullcaps (botanical name Scutellaria) is a genus of about 300 species and belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 19, 2010.
春の花々40 (Flowers of Spring 40)
クレマチス(Clematis)は、キンポウゲ科センニンソウ属のことである。テッセン(鉄線)とカザグルマ(風車)は、クレマチスの品種の一つだが、クレマチス全体を指して テッセンやカザグルマの名が使われることもある [1]。写真は2010年5月4日、わが家の庭で。
Clematis is a genus belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 4, 2010.
「クレマチス」, フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 [2010年5月1日 (土) 08:40].
春の花々39 (Flowers of Spring 39)
ドイツアヤメ(Iris germanica、アヤメ科)別名ジャーマンアイリス。写真は2010年5月3日、わが家の庭で。
German iris (botanical name Iris germanica) belongs to the family Iridaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 3, 2010.
春の花々38 (Flowers of Spring 38)
ヒメライラック(Syringa microphylla、モクセイ科)、別名チャボハシドイ。写真は2010年5月3日、わが家の庭で。
Syringa microphylla belongs to the family Oleaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on May 3, 2010.
春の花々37 (Flowers of Spring 37)
Columbine (botanical name Aquilegia) is a genus of about 60–70 species that belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on May 2, 2010.
春の花々36 (Flowers of Spring 36)
キンギョソウ(Common snapdragon、ゴマノハグサ科)。写真は2010年5月1日、ウォーキング途中で。
Common snapdragon (botanical name Antirrhinum majus) belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on May 1, 2010.
春の花々35 (Flowers of Spring 35)
Wisteria (also spelled Wistaria) is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on May 1 and 2, 2010.
春の花々34 (Flowers of Spring 34)
ベニバナトチノキ(Red horse chestnut、トチノキ科)。写真は2010年4月29日、堺市・鳳公園で。
Red horse chestnut (botanical name Aesculus × carnea) belongs to the family Sapindaceae. The photo was taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, on April 29, 2010.
春の花々33 (Flowers of Spring 33)
エニシダ(common broom、マメ科)。写真は2010年4月29日、わが家の庭で。
Common broom (botanical name Cytisus scoparius) belongs to the family Fabaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 29, 2010.
春の花々32 (Flowers of Spring 32)
オオツルボ(Portuguese squill、ユリ科)。学名からシラー・ペルビアナで呼ばれることも多い。写真は2010年4月26日、わが家の庭で。
Portuguese squill (botanical name Scilla peruviana) belongs to the family Liliaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 26, 2010.
春の花々31 (Flowers of Spring 31)
コデマリ(Reeves' spirea、バラ科)。写真は2010年4月21日、ウォーキング途中で。
Reeves' spirea, double bridal wreath or double Reeves (botanical name Spiraea cantoniensis) belongs to the family Rosaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking on April 21, 2010.
春の花々30 (Flowers of Spring 30)
モッコウバラ(Lady Banks' rose、バラ科)。写真は2010年4月21日、わが家の庭で。
Lady Banks' rose (botanical name Rosa banksiae) belongs to the family Rosaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 21, 2010.
Lady Banks was the wife of Sir Joseph Banks, 1st Baronet, GCB, PRS (1743–1820). Sir Banks was an English naturalist, botanist and patron of the natural sciences; and took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage (1768–1771) [1].
"Joseph Banks," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (3 May 2010 at 02:17).
春の花々29 (Flowers of Spring 29)
アマドコロ(Angular Solomon's-seal、ユリ科)。写真は2010年4月19日、わが家の庭で。
Angular Solomon's-seal or Scented Solomon's-seal (botanical name Polygonatum odoratum) belongs to the family Liliaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 19, 2010.
春の花々28 (Flowers of Spring 28)
フレンチ・ラベンダー(French lavender、シソ科)、別名ストエカスラベンダ (Stoechas lavender)。写真は2010年4月19日、わが家の庭で。
French lavender (botanical name Lavandula stoechas) belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on April 19, 2010.
春の花々27 (Flowers of Spring 27)
Wandflower, harlequin flower or sparaxis (botanical name Sparaxis tricolor) belongs to the family Iridaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on April 18 and 21, 2010.
春の花々26 (Flowers of Spring 26)
ヤハズエンドウ(vetch、マメ科)。漢字では矢筈豌豆と書く。むしろ、カラスノエンドウの名で知られる [1]。写真は2010年4月14日、ウォーキング途中で。
私は「カラスノエンドウ」の名を見たとき、「ノ」は所有関係などを表す助詞「の」で、人間が食べるエンドウより小さい豆ができ、カラスが好むので、「烏の豌豆」と名づけられたのだと思った。しかし、実は「烏野豌豆」であり、これは莢(さや)の小さい野生豌豆を意味し、また、中国名は「野豌豆」だそうだ [2]。
Vetch (botanical name Vicia angustifolia) belongs to the family Fabaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on April 14, 2010.
When I saw one of Japanese names karasunoendō, I interpreted it as endō of karasu (karasu no endō, i.e., the pea (Pisum sativum) of crows. In fact, however, it has to be read karasu noendō and means the pea with small pods; and noendō comes from the Chinese name of this plant.
「ヤハズエンドウ」, フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 [2008年8月12日 (火) 12:12].
御所見直好, 振りかえる ふるさと山河の花, 第一巻(三月~五月)(日貿出版社, 2001).
春の花々25 (Flowers of Spring 25)
ヒラドツツジ(Lovely Azalea、ツツジ科)。写真は2010年4月17日、ウォーキング途中で。
Lovely Azalea (botanical name Rhododendron pulchrum belongs to the family Ericaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on April 17, 2010.
春の花々24 (Flowers of Spring 24)
Enkianthus perulatus belongs to the family Ericaceae. The photo was taken in the course of walking, Sakai, on April 14, 2010.
春の花々23 (Flowers of Spring 23)
Winter hazel (botanical name Corylopsis spicata) belongs to the witch hazel family, Hamamelidaceae. The photo was taken in Suzunomiya Development, Sakai, on April 11, 2010.
山陰の旅7 (Trip to Sanin Region 7)
写真は、旅の3日目の小型遊覧船による「ぐるっと松江 堀川めぐり」の続き。1枚目は宇賀橋付近から見た松江城(1611年落成)、2枚目は270年以前の武家屋敷が傍らに立つ道「塩見縄手」、3枚目は小泉八雲の記念館付近に立つ八雲像。八雲は Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan [1] などの著書で松江を世界に知らせたことで、松江の人びとから感謝されている。私は彼の著書 Kwaidan [2] が好きである。
The Photos above were taken from the boat of "Horikawa Moat Tour" on the third day of the trip. The first is the view of Matsue Castle, built in 1611, from Horikawa Moat near Uga Bridge; the second, Shiominawate Street by which the 270-year old Samurai House stands; the third, the statue of Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) near Lafcadio Hearn Museum. Hearn is credited with introducing Matsue to the world through his writings such as Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan [1]. I like his book Kwaidan [2] very much.During the three days of our trip, it was rather cold and sometimes rainy. However, these conditions were not so bad as to hider our sightseeing but enforced the quiet beauty of the scenery of San'in Region.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Lafcadio Hearn (Project Gutenberg); Lafcadio Hearn, Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (Cosimo Classics, 2005).
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn (Project Gutenberg); Lafcadio Hearn, Kwaidan: Ghost Stories and Strange Tales of Old Japan (Dover, 2006).