You can see the enlarged version of each photo by clicking here.
サクラの私的標本木が開花状態になっていた。写真 1 枚目は日部(くさべ)神社の門と、その前にあるソメイヨシノのわが標本木。2 枚目は開花宣言に十分な、開いた 5 輪がちょうど収まる 1 ショット(左下。クリックして出る拡大版でご覧下さい)。3 枚目以下は、開花している 5 輪を分けてズームインで撮影したもの。
My sample tree of cherry was in bloom. The first photo shows the gate of Kusabe Shrine and the Yoshino cherry tree in front of it. The second shot (lower left; see the enlarged version by clicking on the photos) includes just five open blossoms, which is enough for the blooming declaration. The other photos show the close-ups of open flowers.
My sample tree of cherry was in bloom. The first photo shows the gate of Kusabe Shrine and the Yoshino cherry tree in front of it. The second shot (lower left; see the enlarged version by clicking on the photos) includes just five open blossoms, which is enough for the blooming declaration. The other photos show the close-ups of open flowers.
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