Some more photos taken in Mandala Hydrangea Garden are shown below.
A variety of hydrangea called Love-you-kiss.
The hydrangeas blooming on the full surface of slopes are difficult to shot beautifully
because sunny and shaded places alternate there.
Chinese lizard's tail. In its flowering season, the upper surface of the leaves of this plant turns white except near the tip and goes back to green after the season. The other day, I learned on television
that this is an ingenious design of nature to attract insects to the sober flower.
A variety of hydrangea called Fireworks of Sumida.
Daylily (Hemerocallis).
梅雨の合間の、晴れてあまり暑くもない日に恵まれ、よいバス旅行だった。帰途に交通渋滞に会うこともなく、予定の午後 7 時半より 30 分ほど早く大阪へ帰着した。
It was luckily a day sunny but not too hot in the rainy season, and we had a good bus trip. Without encountering a traffic jam on the way back, we returned to Osaka about 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time of 7:30 pm.
Some more photos taken in Mandala Hydrangea Garden are shown below.
A variety of hydrangea called Love-you-kiss.
The hydrangeas blooming on the full surface of slopes are difficult to shot beautifully
because sunny and shaded places alternate there.
Chinese lizard's tail. In its flowering season, the upper surface of the leaves of this plant turns white except near the tip and goes back to green after the season. The other day, I learned on television
that this is an ingenious design of nature to attract insects to the sober flower.
A variety of hydrangea called Fireworks of Sumida.
Daylily (Hemerocallis).
梅雨の合間の、晴れてあまり暑くもない日に恵まれ、よいバス旅行だった。帰途に交通渋滞に会うこともなく、予定の午後 7 時半より 30 分ほど早く大阪へ帰着した。
It was luckily a day sunny but not too hot in the rainy season, and we had a good bus trip. Without encountering a traffic jam on the way back, we returned to Osaka about 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled time of 7:30 pm.