写真は 4 月 29 日から 5 月 7 日の間に、ウォーキング途中、あるいは、わが家の庭(下記の名前に * 印のもの)で撮った花々。上から、チャボハシドイ*(ヒメライラック)、ベニバナトチノキ、スパラキシス、スイレン(赤)、同(白)。
Photos of flowers and blossoms above were taken on my way of walking exercise or in my yard (those marked with * among names below) from April 29 to May 7. From the top, littleleaf lilac*, red horse chestnut, wandflower, water lily (red) and water lily (white).
Photos of flowers and blossoms above were taken on my way of walking exercise or in my yard (those marked with * among names below) from April 29 to May 7. From the top, littleleaf lilac*, red horse chestnut, wandflower, water lily (red) and water lily (white).
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