さる5月1日、妻と私は朝日旅行社の催行によるバス旅行「咲き薫る和気のフジと瀬戸内・牛窓でランチ」に参加した。バスは午前7時半に天王寺を出発した。最初に訪れたのは、岡山県瀬戸内市にある夢二郷土美術館分館である。同分館は夢二生家(1枚目の写真)と少年山荘(2枚目の写真)からなる。前者は竹久夢二 (1884–1934) が生まれ、子ども時代を過ごした家であり、後者は夢二自身が設計し、アトリエとして東京に建てた洋風の家を復元したものである。夢二は詩人、画家であったが、とくに美人画で知られる。3枚目の写真は夢二の詩碑で、
On Sunday, May 1, my wife and I joined a bus trip, held by Asahi Sun Tours Inc., for viewing wisteria blossoms in Wake, Okayama Prefecture. The bus started Ten'noji at 7:30, and we first visited Bunkan (a branch) of Yumeji Art Museum, located in Setouchi-shi. Bunkan consists of Yumeji Seika (the top photo) and Shonen Sansō (the middle photo). The former is the house in which Yumeji Takehisa (1884–1934) was born and lived in his childhood; and the latter is the house of Western style designed by Yumeji himself, built in Tokyo as an atelier and reconstructed there. Yumeji was a poet and painter and has been known for his drawings of Japanese beauties. The bottom photo shows a monument of Yumeji's poem, which can be translated as follows:
When I cried,
There was a loving mother.
When I played,
There was a lovely sister.
That was when I was
About seven years old.
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