
赤い実、白い実、… (Red Fruits, White Fruits, ...)

 一枚目の写真は、クロガネモチ(黒鉄黐)の実。二枚目は、美しく紅葉していた葉が全部落ちてしまって、白い実が目立つようになったナンキンハゼの木。どちらも 12 月 6 日撮影。三枚目は、竹林のすぐ外側に、竹に負けないくらい高く伸びたカキの木の上部にまだ残っていた実。12 月 12 日撮影。

 数年前に赤い実について書いたとき、物理学科のささやかな卒業パーティで、♪赤い鳥、小鳥、 なぜなぜ赤い。赤い実をたべた。... ♪ を歌った M さんのことを思い出したが、今回もふと思い出した。物理学科同期生中の紅一点だった彼女が、会社へ就職したあとの消息を全く知らない。

The top photo shows fruits of round leaf holly. The middle photo shows a Chinese tallow tree, whose beautiful leaves of autumn colors have totally fallen down and whose white fruits are now quite noticeable. These photos were taken on December 6. The bottom photo shows fruits of Japanese persimmon, which were still remaining high up on a tree just outside a bamboo grove. The tree was so tall as to compete with bamboos. This picture was taken on December 12.

When I wrote about red fruits several years ago, I reminded myself of Ms. M, who had sung the song "Akaitori kotori" ("Red bird, little bird"; the lyric includes the words that are translated as "Why are you red? Because I ate red fruits") at a small party to celebrate our own graduation from Department of Physics. I now remember her again. She was the only female among the classmates of the department, and I do not know anything about her after her getting a job in a company.

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