アネモネ(キンポウゲ科)、和名ボタンイチゲ(牡丹一華)。写真は、2013 年 3 月 5 日、わが家のプランターに咲いた今年最初の花を撮影。この花は、午後に閉じ翌朝また開くということを何日も繰り返す。
Anemone; botanical name, Anemone coronaria; family, Ranunculaceae. The above photo, taken on March 5, 2013, shows the first anemone flower of this season in my planter. This kind of flower closes in the afternoon and again opens next morning, repeating this for some days.
Anemone; botanical name, Anemone coronaria; family, Ranunculaceae. The above photo, taken on March 5, 2013, shows the first anemone flower of this season in my planter. This kind of flower closes in the afternoon and again opens next morning, repeating this for some days.
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